Five; Under the moonlight

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"Sometimes I don't keep my secrets, not when it's dark"


⚠️ a little toxic love but idc, weapons, blood, violence, censored swearing, murder (the usual lol) ⚠️

"How cute of you to refuse, but I wasn't really asking"

Fei backs off, offended. She keeps her arms folded over her chest while frowning deeply at Thyra's words.

"I have no business with you and no business with Andra! This is my home and you are intruding! Leave right now!"

Thyra smiles wickedly. She takes a step closer and Fei takes a step backwards. Fei doesn't know what is going on. Whenever she is with the assassin she feels more and more like a human and less like a goddess. Her powers are often long forgotten. With everyone else she is almighty, even sometimes with them. She can play with their minds, manipulate events to her will and kill those that need to be killed in secret. Like she did at the village before they reached the palace, or like she did at the blue clan with that assassin that tried to kill her.

She is a genius, has the powers of a goddess and can choose the path of fate. But standing over her like this, Thyra somehow appears mightier. Her eyes, wide with confidence. It's like she can see through her, it's like she knows everything and finds that everything pathetic. Fei knows that Thyra is aware of her powers, to some extent. Thyra knows more than anyone else. Maybe that's what makes her have the upper hand. That's what makes her more dangerous than others.

"You have no business with us?"

Thyra scoffs out while walking closer. Fei nods, frowns and keeps moving backwards. Eventually she feels the steps of the pavilion staircase behind her feet and doesn't dare to move backwards anymore. It would make it too real. She instead chooses to look up at Thyra, who towers over her easily when they are standing so closely. Fei keeps their eyes locked with slight effort from her side, but doesn't cower. Not even when Thyra leans her head closer, her voice dropping down to a whisper.

"Those nights the three of us spent in the same bed, it didn't seem like nothing to you then, did it sweetheart?"

Thyra's eyes glimmer while Fei's ones open in shock. She feels herself blush and has to avoid the assassins gaze, anger rising at the card that Thyra just pulled. The images from those peaceful nights come back to her. They were playing a game of push and pull, metaphorically. Someone pushes, someone pulls, someone turns away. Whatever happened at the blue clan was just a result of a lot of tension. Glances thrown at each other, rumors flying around, whispers heard in the night... Fei remembers how her heart used to beat. She feels it again.

"You can't escape us. You are hiding, here in this ruined mansion all alone, but we will always find you"

Thyra's whispers are so quiet, only Fei can hear them. So quiet, yet so condescending. So terrifying. Fei gulps and looks into Thyra's eyes. She needs to see the expression on her face. Needs to see what she really means, and what she doesn't. A serious look is all she finds. Someone who is willing to do anything, both to follow orders and to get what she wants herself.

"She won't share me. You are not getting what you want, so why do you follow her orders?"

Fei tries. She sounds as strong as possible but there is still a waver to her voice. She doesn't know if it's because she wants Thyra to think that she is weak, or because she is actually weak. Her legs do feel wobbly, and her breathing is short. Her heart is beating a million times per minute. Fei recognizes that the words coming out of Thyra's mouth are toxic, to some extent. But for some reason she can't find herself being repelled by them. Only more drawn in. And she hates that. She also hates that Thyra laughs at what she says.

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