Thirteen; Noble enough

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"She could only do it if she kissed her"


⚠️ censored swearing, bullying? Kinda?⚠️

"So... Constantine..."

Do you know, that inside a story, there are thousands of smaller stories that you never get to see? How important do you think these smaller stories become to the bigger story, if we look a little closer?

Aiguo can proudly say, that after three nights spent inside the imperial palace walls he has gotten quite familiar with it. It's no longer a nuisance to fall asleep in the wrong bed, surrounded by the wrong smells and different people. Instead, the sights and smells are becoming familiar.

He grew up in the riversnake province and rarely left it. The riversnake province is a rich province of the gold clan, existing further south. It's filled with natural wonders and therefore natural resources as well, enriching every soul living on their soil. His family built the place from the ground, every single city, town and field is there because of them. For generations they have built the province to what it is today, and that's why they earned the title of noble. Aiguo has always been proud of where he is from.

As the second eldest brother, Aiguo got the best of both worlds. The freedom to do whatever he chooses with his future, and the respect of being an elder brother. Sure, he has an older brother that will take on his father's title, but he also has more younger siblings that look up to him and respect him. He is one of his father's favorites, selfishly so, and his mother is kind to him as well. That's why the young noble never really thought about living anywhere else. In the riversnake province he was never asked to do anything, even though he thrived in his lessons of different kinds. He was only praised, not forced.

However, becoming a consort was not his idea. It was the first time his father ever asked him to do something, so naturally Aiguo couldn't bring himself to deny it. At first it scared him, living so far away from his family for god knows how long. His mother hated the idea, and his father seemed hesitant despite suggesting the idea. They needed more security and confirmation from the court, an insider in the capital that could help them get more say in the political decisions in the future. Aiguo understood the weight of him getting picked, that it would give them more honor. So naturally, despite first being scared, he agreed.

People say that living inside the imperial palace is like living in hell. But this far Aiguo has only seen beauty and sophistication. They say that the walls are like the walls of a prison, keeping them in and the other people out. That laws don't apply here, that the walls and grounds flood with blood. That's why he was scared. But really, nothing like that has happened yet. Aiguo feels more comfortable, and no longer dreads the thought of living here for a long time. The only thing wrong is perhaps his dull roommate. But as always, Aiguo will find a solution.

"What is it?"

On a positive note, Constantine has started answering to him more often now, instead of ignoring him. Aiguo sees that as a win.

"Well I was just thinking, do you have a more local name? Or nickname? Calling you Constantine feels a little long"

Constantine glances at him. Aiguo is secretly nervous, but he wants to get closer to the slightly taller man. After all, they are going to be roommates for a very long time.

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