Yhdeksän; Murder

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"Pretty penny on your pretty head"


⚠️ blood, murder, suicidal thoughts, starvation, bruises, cuts, weapons, assassination ⚠️

Eleven days after Andra's escape

Today's the day.

Thyra watches the sun rise up over the horizon, still seated on the cold tiles of the roof. She ties long pieces of fabric around her wrists, carefully and slowly. She doesn't want to admit it, but her hands are definitely shaking a little. She doesn't have the confidence and peace that she usually has before an assassination.

Of course, this time it's different. Thyra has never killed someone of Andra's status before. But still, that's not the problem. That has never been the problem. No matter how much Thyra wants to deny it, she knows that she is nervous because of another reason. Andra stands for the good, she is on the right side. Thyra is most likely working for the guy on the wrong side, whoever that might be. She has never had a problem with killing people before, innocent or not, evil or not, so why is it suddenly that bad? Why is she suddenly nervous?

Maybe it's the fact that Andra stands for a huge political rebellion that will decide the way of life for hundreds of years to come, maybe even thousands. Maybe it's the fact that Thyra doesn't want to go down in history as the person who killed princess Andra, because surely she will. People will talk about it for centuries. Can she really put her soul to rest after such a thing? Probably not.

At first it was all for the money. She didn't even know much about the political situation here. Now it's way harder. Five hundred gold coins sound perfect. She could settle down, make a better living, not have to suffer anymore. Rather than being greedy she is looking for a way to survive. But it doesn't feel right to make all the other women in this country, and in this world suffer just because she needed to live. Just because she couldn't sacrifice herself.

Thyra sighs in frustration. Why does she have to be the one to make a sacrifice? Why does she have to be the one to suffer? If this war goes well, Andra will get all the glory and continue to live her perfect life. Thyra will go back to living with nothing, traumatizing herself just for money, dirtying her hands to find anything to eat, freezing to death on the dirty streets after the assassination business is made illegal and suffer forever in hell. Thyra clutches the knife closer to her hand. Going bitter all over again. She hates Andra, she hates this war and she hates herself.

The loud opening of the door down below snaps Thyra out of her thoughts. She shakes her head, empties her mind of everything and focuses. Moving over to the other side of the roof, Thyra's steps are silent as always. She has the light steps of an experienced assassin, after a near ten years of work. The cool morning air makes her skin crawl, or maybe that's just the fear catching up on her. Thyra's heart is beating, she can feel it up in her throat. On the other side of the inn, on the second floor, is the only window leading to Andra's room.

Raising her hand up to her face, Thyra makes sure that her black mask covers the lower parts of her face.

Thyra slides down the tiles, reaching the edge of the roof. She holds her breath, hands shaking and a bad feeling crawling up in her stomach. She doesn't like this, doesn't like it at all. But Thyra is used to doing things that she doesn't like, so it doesn't matter. She steps on the windowsill of the third floor, and then slowly climbs down lower. Finally, she ends up crouching on the windowsill next to Andra's one. A candle is lit in the princesses room, and although Thyra can't see inside because of the angle, she can hear her rustle around. The assassin takes short, quick breaths, and slowly moves over to her targets window.

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