Fourteen; Differences

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"There is something weird about him, trust me"


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"When were you going to tell me about those consorts of yours?"

Fei snaps out of her thoughts at the sudden words coming out of Thyra's mouth.

For the past three days, nothing much has happened. They have traveled almost day and night, just like they did back when Aryan was emperor. The summer sun has grown more and more unbearable, constantly shining and spreading wave after wave of heat. The air is relatively humid still, but sometimes it gets extremely dry. The weather has slowed down this trip immensely. They have to stop very often to let the horses rest and drink, and to let themselves stand under the shade for awhile. Fei isn't that bothered by the weather, but since she wants to avert suspicion she has acted a bit parched and tired at times to seem like everyone else.

The empress seems to be doing fine, and as always Thyra is as stoic as a statue by her side. Fei has rode her white horse behind them for three days straight, and mostly been bored out of her mind. Since she is so near them, she can't talk to anyone else without them getting either possessive or nosey about the discussion. But they also don't talk much. Andra has a lot on her mind and likes the silence, knowing that an empress who speaks less in a big crowd is a better leader. Thyra is always quiet since she's probably been raised that way. Fei is the only one who wouldn't mind a conversation, or at least some entertainment. Forget the heat and the exhaustion, she is bored.

So when Thyra suddenly breaks the silence by asking such an awkward and straight forward question, it makes them all shocked. Andra falters her confident look and glances at Thyra with her eyes blown wide. Fei looks surprised too, at first. But then she breaks out into small, suppressed giggles. Andra throws her a half angry glance, but Fei only manages to keep her amusement silent for a few seconds before chuckling again.

"Thyra- it's not- it's not what you think"

Fei stops laughing but her smile remains. She continues riding her horse behind them and listening as intently as possible. The thousands of soldiers riding behind and in front of them are loud enough to cover their conversation. Thyra raises an eyebrow, and her expression looks smug, even behind the mask that covers her mouth and nose.

"Oh? It's not what I think? So you didn't get a harem then?"

Andra makes a troubled noise. Fei giggles before glancing over at the beautiful landscape around them. Green hills stretch out for miles and miles. The sky is such a deep blue, not in her three hundred years of existence has she seen anything so wonderful. There is not a single cloud in sight, and the sun is just in the middle of pleasant and burning. She can hear birds and bugs despite the chattering of the army. Farmers out on the fields watch them go with great curiosity, stopping their work to stare at the thousands of soldiers passing by. Some of them wave, and eagerly the soldiers wave back. Such a happy mood.

"It was essential and suggested by my advisor. He says I need an heir as quickly as possible, the nobles are getting restless"

Thyra huffs. She doesn't think that she is possessive, but maybe she has grown to be such over the few months. She is very possessive of Fei, and she can acknowledge that. The weeks that they spent apart are enough to prove that, she practically turns crazy when she doesn't know where Fei is. But Andra has kinda always been by her side ever since they met. It seems like the two weeks they spent apart while she was on her mission really provided her some clarity. The harem didn't exactly make her angry. But she can't deny the jealousy, and the possessiveness that it awoke inside of her. Still, Thyra finds the situation funny as well. She doesn't blame Andra but teasing her and pretending to be upset is amusing.

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