Eighteen; The winter palace

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"I guess we're going back early"


⚠️ Death, dead bodies, murder, torture (threats of torture), starvation, violence, bruises and wounds, blood ⚠️

"So you're a goddess"


"Like a literal goddess?"


"Like you can fly?"

"Yup- wait no"

Minerva turns to Thyra with bewilderment in her expression.

"Why would I be able to fly?"

Fei honestly thought it would be awkward between them after she had revealed the truth. Maybe she had expected Thyra to be angry or confused, perhaps even intimidated. But the assassin has since only been curious. Chattier than ever before actually, constantly asking questions until the point where Fei can answer only with one word sentences. Why? Because by the time she has opened her mouth to answer Thyra has another question to ask. It's endearing, sure. But Fei is hesitant. She doesn't know how openly they can talk about this before she gets exposed. Still, Thyra's weird question makes her curious too.

"I don't know. I just thought gods were almighty. So they can do anything"

Fei blushes out of embarrassment. She has been a god for a good 300 years already but it still feels foreign. How can she, just a simple human being, actually be some sort of almighty goddess? All of that power, all of those skills that she was given seemed so unimportant up in the realm of the untouchable. There it's hard to see the impact of your powers when all the gods and goddesses can do similar things. Fei doesn't know if she could fly there, maybe if she tried. Here she can't though, only a part of her power can be wielded on mortal soil.

"I only have a part of my power here on earth"

Thyra frowns. They are walking through the forest, towards the road. The battle has died down after a whole hour, and Thyra made Fei stay in the forest while she fought with the others. Then she came to get the weakened goddess, partly because she was curious about everything that Minerva had just told her, and partly because she was worried that the thunder would still be affecting Fei's strength. It's not anymore. The clouds of lighting have left the skies, replaced by only simple heavy rain. It's uncomfortable, but Fei is slowly regaining her powers and going back to that indifferent state, where human pain and misery is nothing but a light buzzing in her head.

"But you did fly. I saw you, that morning in the blue clan"

Fei shakes her head. She would've laughed if the situation wasn't so grave.

"More like floating, it's what happens if you meditate well enough. Humans could do it too if they had enough practice and training"

Thyra nods hesitantly, not entirely convinced. They stay silent the rest the way back. The rain stops again, just like it did an hour ago when Thyra killed that one assassin. Fei looks up at the sky, almost as if she can't believe that the rain has actually stopped. She is soaked from top to bottom, her clothes feel like wet rags that hang uncomfortably over her equally wet skin. If she wasn't a goddess, Minerva would be convinced that she'd be getting sick within the night.

They reach the others on the road. There are a lot of dead bodies everywhere, laying on the ground and bleeding out. Fei avoids them as much as possible. Despite being the goddess of combat she is still creeped out by the deaths and violence, which makes her wonder why she was chosen as the goddess of war. Couldn't they have given her another title? Was Minerva the only one available, so she was given it randomly? Was there no other reason for her being chosen? Fei has never really thought about it in this way.

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