Kolme; Minerva

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"Life spent as a mere twenty one year old is nothing compared to the three hundred years she has spent as a goddess"


Six days after Andra's escape

Now that we've come so far, let's meet the real power.

The power of a goddess.

Minerva, goddess of combat and wisdom. She is strong, she is allwise, she is noble and pure from such earthly things as blood and flesh. With the tip of her finger she can change reality, with only one sigh the goddess can defeat an army of thousands, kill a population of millions. As a goddess, reality is in her grip, power goes to those she chooses, laughter to those she wants it to go to. Her whole spirit is nothing but power, only fed by the belief of the people down below. Watching them from the realm of the untouchable, seeing them suffer, but also seeing them live, the way she once must've. True power, true strength, and true wisdom only comes from those who are created for its purpose. Minerva is a goddess, she is the embodiment of all things that matter, not alive but still managing to live.

For three hundred years she has lived as such. As a goddess. The twenty one years she has spent as a human, with blood and flesh and a heart, is nothing compared to the three hundred years as a spirit of power and wisdom. But that's how it works.

There are ten gods and goddesses in the universe. Every ten thousand years the goddess or god dies, and is replaced by another. Someone who has died on earth, and is worthy of the title. Minerva was worthy.

When the old goddess Minerva died, she became the new goddess Minerva. The name of the goddess is Minerva, it is not the name she was given as a human. For twenty one years she had one name, and for three hundred years she has been Minerva, the goddess of combat and wisdom. It is not to say that being a goddess is easy.

In the beginning, the life of a spirit was hard to get used to. That she is no longer one of flesh, but one of power. The goddess Minerva takes two forms, one of a human, and one of a peacock. Although a goddess has power beyond imagination, Minerva's main focus has always been war and wisdom. She lives in the realm of the untouchable together with nine other gods. None of them are younger than her, she is a baby compared to them. Thousands of years spent as an allknowing, mighty being is different from only three hundred years spent as one. Minerva does what they tell her to do, takes their guidance, but otherwise spends her years alone.

Watching the human realm down below is the greatest thing she knows. They live, like she once used to live, and although she doesn't miss it, it's still fascinating. War, plagues and other bad things have ruled over the lands, even from her time. But there are also good things. Laughter, playing, good meals, success and dreams. Children are always fun to watch over. They play and have fun, they are so innocent it's crazy. Watching the life of the humans from the realm of the untouchable always feels a certain way. At first it was creepy, scary, dreadful. To know what comes after death is terrifying rather than calming. But after awhile such human emotions filtered away, she became more toned down and consumed by power rather than emotion, much like the rest of the Gods.

The blue clan, red clan, gold clan and green clan have existed for thousands of years. It's all even a goddess like Minerva knows. Of course there have been smaller clans here and there, after wars and such, like the yellow clan and the gray clan. But those smaller ones disappear only a few years into their reign. The blue, red, gold and green clans have existed since forever, and they have yet to have been defeated. So obviously the relationship and culture inside and outside the clans have been the most important matter for the gods since the beginning of time. Some Gods choose their favorite clans, others condemn that behavior. Minerva didn't have a favorite until she came to observe something unheard of.

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