Seitsämäntoista; Petty revenge

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"You can't expect me not to stare"


⚠️ exhaustion, toxic relationships, not eating enough ⚠️

Twenty two days after Andra's escape

Once the boarder is crossed, the previous fear, seriousness and negative emotions disappear.

Minerva finds herself staring at a certain someone a bit more intently. Like right now, she is completely focused on staring at Thyra's back, practically burning holes into the taller's skin. It's not Minerva's fault that she's staring! Thyra just happens to be way more attractive now, way more intriguing than she was a few days ago. (Even though, she wasn't bad looking then either). The way her strong arms move up and down as they walk. The way her expression is always controlled and serious, even when it's hidden behind a mask. And don't get her started on the mask! Minerva feels an odd sense of pride that she's one of the only people Thyra has shown her face to, one of the only people Thyra has trusted enough here.

Obviously, two days ago Thyra practically threatened her. Any normal person would find that hurtful and stay sour, angry and hateful. But not only is Minerva tired of feeling such negative emotions and actively teaching herself to find the positives in life, she also doesn't see anything wrong with Thyra's threat. The assassin has her reasons, and she also looks very hot when angry. Minerva doesn't want to die, of course not, but making Thyra angry a few times wouldn't cost her her life? Right? It's just so tempting, so addictive, she's obsessed with seeing that expression and hearing those words again.

After staring at Thyra their entire trip down the mountain of Lionswing, she has observed quite a lot of new things that she hadn't noticed before. First of all, Thyra is limping. It's not much, and she hides it exceptionally well. But Thyra is limping, her left leg must be in some sort of pain and Minerva is going crazy trying to figure out what it is. Did it exist before all of the things happened in Crown Jewels? Had it been there ever since she arrived, or is it a new injury? Why hasn't she told anyone? Being a scholar and all, Minerva doesn't have much to do while they are still only traveling. Which is why she uses all of her time to think of a plan, making it her mission to find out and solve Thyra's secret injury problem.

When they stop to rest, already twenty hours across the boarder, Minerva makes sure to get as close to the assassin as possible, without being suspicious in any way. Maybe Thyra has noticed her staring down at her leg so often, or maybe she's not as observant when tired and hurt- but either way the princesses bodyguard doesn't say a word about it. Secrecy, a total success. If anything, the only thing that is confusing Thyra is that Fei isn't angry with her after their argument earlier. Why does the scholar seem so smug and cheerful when she should be the opposite, like the rest of them?

When the night falls Andra grows more and more worried for the soldiers, Dawn and Dana only confirming her thoughts. Dawn and Dana have been put in charge of different parts of the army after the city general of Crown Jewels joined their side officially. She only managed to take a few hundred soldiers from the big city with her, before they were forced to leave as quickly as possible. She leads her own troops and a few others, Dermot and Elias included.

With the support of the two generals, and Minerva's expertise, Andra decides that they can rest for the evening, entire night and morning. The soldiers use their last efforts to make beds for themselves, tents and comfortable blankets and other things that aren't rocks or grass. Minerva smiles, she really needs a good rest. It's with a tired look that she falls asleep, not in one of the tents, but outside under the stars. It's actually her first time sleeping under a bare sky, and she breathes in the fresh air.

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