Kaksitoista; Scary but quiet

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"Sleep with me?"


Twelve days after Andra's escape

The next day there's a strange woman standing by Andra's side.

She is covered from top to toe in black clothing, and even the small parts of armor that she has is black. Her hair is cut short, just above her shoulders. The underside of her face is covered with a black piece of fabric, which means that the only thing that can be seen are her eyes. Her dark, piercing eyes glare at anyone that dares to come even a bit too close to the princess. People back away because of that stare, even the bravest ones. Maybe it's mostly because of the heavy sword that she carries in her belt, her left hand always resting on the shaft of the weapon, no matter what. 

The soldiers wonder who it could be. Who is the mystery woman that seems adamant at protecting Andra from anyone and everything that comes in their way? They continue to wonder as the group of six hundred people move up north, along side the heavy sandy roads. Dust flies in the air when they walk. Many begin to copy the mask that the woman is wearing, it's very effective to get the dust away from their lungs. Rumors go around, traveling from one person to another along the road. Rumors that the princess who is walking ahead of them all, has hired a bodyguard. Rumors that the woman is a bodyguard. And then the rumors start to spiral.

"I've heard that she's a specially trained one, you know what they say about those"

Whispers between friends travel to those who hear by their sides. More and more friends start to whisper. What else is there to do on such a long trip?

"No, I've heard that she's not from here, she has to be a hired one"

It's hard to distinguish truth from lie when all they have are their own words and speculations. But Thyra isn't bothered, despite hearing the whispers and rumors jump around. She has one task, and one task only. Protect Andra. Protect the princess. And with her assassins mindset, when they put themselves into something, they do it 100%. Thyra doesn't let Andra out of her sight for a single second. She makes sure she's at least two meters within reach, but prefers to be right by her side. Her sword is always in her hand, ready to kill whoever dares to attack. But even if the sword would be too slow, she's ready to block an attack with her own body if she has to. Stop the sword or arrow with her hand, no matter what she might loose because of it.

She knows what assassins do. She knows their techniques because she is a bounty hunter, because she's done things like this before. And she has seen hundreds of personal guards fail at their task, when she has killed the people they are supposed to protect. And she made a promise to herself, that she'd do a heck of a job at being a personal guard. Otherwise she won't get her money. Thyra won't get her money if Andra dies, so she'll do her best. Thyra's eyes always move over the horizon, especially if there are trees or houses or hills nearby. If any potential place where an assassin might be hiding with their bow and arrow comes along the way, Thyra will be ready.

Andra is impressed. She didn't exactly think this whole thing through when she offered Thyra the job. She didn't think she'd need a personal guard, but clearly it has been proven otherwise. More assassins and killers will be after her, and she needs someone who knows the business inside out to help her from them. Thyra basically created a job for herself when she attacked the princess. Without the attack, Andra would never have considered it. She just didn't expect the bounty hunter to be so professional at it. Professional and scary.

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