Two; Under the stars

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"We don't speak about her"


⚠️ mentions of blood ⚠️

"And what authority do you have here? How dare you command me?"

Thyra stays unmoved.

"As far as my wisdoms reach, you are nothing here, nobody knows your name. So stay in your lane"

Nothing of what he says moves Thyra in any way. She doesn't feel hurt, doesn't get fazed by it. She only stares at the closed door in front of her, and her line of vision is way above the man. He is much shorter than her, and Thyra isn't making an effort to look down or even bow to him. She doesn't know who he is either, but she has her orders, and she will follow them.

"Move or be moved"

These days she has felt more empty than before. There are words, in her head, and she says them. There are orders told to her, and she follows them. There are actions, moves, skills in her mind, and she knows how to use them. But other than that, she is nothing. A walking shell. Her eyes empty, just like the empty eyes of the men outside the throne room two weeks ago. The ones that tried to protect Aryan.

She feels like a dog, but less warm, less emotional. She follows orders loyally, but only those of one master. Her owner at this point, Empress Andra. She does whatever she says, whatever she wants. Ever since disobeying her that one time at the blue clan, Thyra has not broken an order or a rule ever again. Days pass by like a blur. Every day is the same. Thyra doesn't know if she feels happier now, or if she was happier when free and struggling.

At least now she has a bed, a roof over her head, as much food as she wants to eat and clothes and weapons to her hearts content. She has respect, a title, a name here. She has a job, and she has people around her. It's a different life from the one she lived before, back when Thyra was without everything. So why does she not feel happy? The only thing she needs to do in order to keep these comforts is to be loyal. Do whatever the empress says. And she does, and she respects Andra so it's no problem. But... the emptiness only grows.

There is a certain color missing from her life. And it doesn't help that she, for the past four weeks, has been in an unfamiliar environment. This is the palace, two weeks she has served the princess here, and two weeks she has served the empress. It's a huge, city like structure, where everything is ceremonial and fancy and expensive and the people all have noble status and money. More money than she has ever seen before, more money than her old clan has combined. And here she is, surrounded by them all, a simple loyal servant to the empress. Her only lifeline is Andra.

"How dare you! You better leave before I call the guards! I am a member of the council!"

Thyra isn't one hundred percent sure what the council is, what they do and how important its members are. She doesn't know much about this palace. This far that has worked out for her fine. She does whatever the empress wants, and in the end it doesn't matter what others think. Thyra trusts Andra with her life. And even if she didn't, she doesn't value her life much anyway. It's with a gray expression on her face, voice monotonous and eyes grim that she repeats her orders like a mantra.

"These are the empresses orders. Move or be moved. This room is now a target of inspection"

The council member, a short old man, huffs and puffs. He is one of the few still in the council that support Aryan, and one of the few that Andra doesn't trust. As empress, she has all the right to investigate him. Him and his room.

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