Kaksikymmentäviisi; Tonight's first dance

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"And so it starts, the beginning of the end"


⚠️ gruesome death, murder, war, dead bodies, blood, weapons, violence, scars, bruises, wounds, drugs ⚠️

There he is.

Emperor Aryan, in all his impure glory.

At first, Thyra can't get her eyes off him. This is the man who brought her into those, who offered her a job of a lifetime, who gave her a lifeline. But on the same time, it's the guy that almost got her killed too. The man that drove her on a journey far away from the cold north of her home clan, to a place where she would find her last resort. A man that is so closely intwined with her destiny, it's almost a surprise that they haven't met.

He looks, different from what she imagined, in that she hasn't imagined him at all.

Long black hair, tied up in a ceremonial bun. A golden headdress on his head, with beads that cling against each other as he walks. He has a golden, beautiful and so unimaginably expensive gown on him, it lights up the entire room. His face is sharp, with a masculine jawline but feminine features that makes him look young and very attractive. More attractive than what Thyra had expected him to be. His eyes shine with something cruel, something that can't really be explained. And despite that he knows about the war raging on right outside his palace walls, he still wears a sick smile. It's disgusting, and even Thyra repels at that.

Dozens of servants follow him, maids, head maids, servants, guards and even two lords. They keep their heads bowed, fear and worry in their eyes. Thyra can't really tell if they are fearful of him or the war going on, but her question is quickly answered. They stop in front of his throne, and one of the lords starts to speak, but his voice is so quiet and careful, it's clear who the real monster in the room is.

Finally Thyra remembers her task, just as Aryan punches the lord straight in the face for not speaking clearly enough. She stands up on the roof, just for a brief moment, and waves her hand. Then she lowers herself down as quickly as possible, before any guards can get a chance to spot her despite the darkness of the night. Thyra then turns her attention back to the emperor, whom she can see through one of the small cracks in the roof. The two nobles scurry off after Aryan threatens to kill them while blinded by his anger, and the court-maids back off silently to not anger him further. Drowning in his own rage, Aryan heads up the stairs to his throne and sits down, taking off his headdress and carelessly throwing it to one of the maids.

"Those old scumbags, I should just execute them on the spot..."

Andra sees the waving hand. She squints once, to make sure that it's really Thyra, before taking a deep breath. This is it, this is the moment she has been waiting for. The moment she, together with her army who is already facing Aryans army on the hills under the imperial city, take back the clan into the right hands.

Their plan is foolproof, almost.

While Dana leads the army down the hills, against thousands of enemy soldiers, Andra together with her team of twenty women fight their way into the palace and execute Aryan. Without a leader, the rest of the army and the opposition will fall. She also trusts the women in her army to defeat Aryans men quicker than she can defeat her own brother, but ultimately this plan was made to protect the innocent men on Aryans side. The faster they kill the evil leader, the faster the ones under his grip get freed, and don't have to die fighting his useless wars.

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