Twentyfive; Death sentence

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"I know a whole lot of people who would want me dead"


⚠️ mentions of death, death sentence, description of murder, kidnapping, restricted by ropes, violence, censored swearing, aggressive behavior ⚠️

"The gods send their regards. I was sent here as the goddess closest to humans, to watch over the war and bless princess Andra to victory. This mortal life that I was given is limited to my death, once I die I will return to serve the rest of my years as goddess"

Silence engulfs the whole room. Fei half expects them to not believe it, or at least Andra. But the expression that Andra has, it's unexplainable. She can't read it. It's confusing because, most of the time Minerva can read expressions very well. She is a goddess, not a f*cking human. Their frowns, their laughs, their tears. So predictable, so controllable. She can easily manipulate each and every one of them. To a certain extent that's her job. Gods manipulate humans to look past their own benefits and move towards the greater good. So why is it now, that these two are getting so hard to read? What makes them different from the rest of the lot?

Is it because she loves them? Does loving someone make you more human? Fei would guess that to be right. Perhaps they are easy to read, and she's just blinded by love? So if she really is blinded by love, why has she manipulated them?

"You're telling me... this whole time...This whole war was just manipulative on your part? Everything you did was a lie"

Has she manipulated them? Fei has only told a lie two times, two times that she can remember. Once, when lying about her grandmother being a scholar at some temple to make her story more believable. The second time when lying about that assassin that walked into their shared bedchamber at the blue palace, which eventually lead to his death. Both times she would've avoided if possible, so what else has she really done that's manipulative towards them? Lied about being human? That's more of a given, isn't it. Who would go around telling people that they're a goddess?

So those words coming out of Andra's mouth are surprising to say the least. She didn't expect the empress to accept the truth so easily, and jump to a different matter immediately. Who just accepts the fact that someone is a goddess? That's not normal. That's like Thyra's level of abnormal. No seriously, what is wrong with the women she loves? Why do they act this way? One of them forgets about her telling her about being a goddess just a few minutes after it happened, and the other doesn't even care. This is not how Fei had imagined it at all. She had honestly expected a bit more humanity, ironically.

Fei looks up at the empress with a baffled expression.

"Are you trying to make yourself upset?"

She asks, seriously. Her feelings are hurt from the accusation. Thyra steps closer but doesn't say anything. Andra drags a hand through her hair, eyes shaking a bit, clearly getting more angry as time passes and the truth settles in. The air in the room gets more tense.

"The first time we met- from the first f*cking time we met you have only told me lies. And what? Are you saying I only won this war because the gods were on my side? YOU'RE A F*CKING LIAR FEI!"

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