Twentynine; Cutting edge

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"A knife is against my throat and I-"


⚠️ death, violence, killing, threats, murder, dangerous weapons, dangerous actions ⚠️

"Join me now, or die"

And eventually, Yugo realizes that it's not just about him.

His life doesn't just belong to him anymore. It belongs to his husband now, just as much as it belongs to him. If he decided to die for pride, die for what he believes in, that's not fair to his husband. The man that he promised to spend the rest of his life with. The man that he promised to protect and love forever. And yes, nature will take is course, and one day he too will die. But for now, it's just him in his early twenties, knowing fully well that he has the option of living. The only thing standing in his way, are his morals.

Or do they really? Yugo thinks about it for a second. Could he twist it in his own way?

"If you make him emperor-"

Zhang, that old bastard, smirks above him to the best of his sluggish efforts. Yugo almost regrets it in that moment, but he still brings himself to utter the following words.

"Then I'll do as you say"

"And you're bringing her with you?"

Three glares level the soldier down. Three glares from three different directions.

Andra, empress of the biggest empire on the continent, female warrior and war machine. No losses in her seven years of fighting. Killed her own brother while being thoroughly outnumbered, fought a war against him with only a few thousand soldiers and easily won. Owner of the hearts of the people, most important woman in the world. Her stare levels him down the hardest, because she is regarded as the highest. How dare a mere soldier question her words?

Thyra, top class assassin with over ten years of experience on the field. Longest living bounty hunter from the red clan, intellectual despite her poor and harsh upbringing, and the strongest wielder of the sword ever known to man. Despite being the only living person to ever come close to killing the empress, she still stands as Andra's right-hand woman. Currently as captain of the royal guard and the empress's personal bodyguard as well as the empire's official lead killer. Has a record for fastest kill, and is not afraid to prove it. Her stare is hard too, as she always contemplates whether to kill the ones that disrespect those that she holds dear.

And finally, Fei, the third stare. Goddess of war and wisdom, over three hundred years old and more powerful than one could ever imagine. Single handedly made sure that the war ended in the empresses favor, knows more than any other human on the planet and holds the current title of the empresses official senior scholar, despite being in her mere twenties on paper. Could single handedly destroy the world and rule it, if she wanted to. Awaits to resume thousands of years as goddess upon her death. Holds the power of the one wish, meaning one wish above the gods upon her death. Thereby holds the fate of the universe in her hands.

She, a mighty goddess, is the subject of the soldiers' questions. Why? Because despite being an almighty, centuries old goddess with more wisdom than any man and more physical power than any being, she looks weak on the outside. It's like something is broken, everything about her is suddenly dull. The soldier might be rude for asking the empress, right now before heading off into battle, why Fei should come with them. But sadly he is right. She looks right about ready to die, with bruises here and there, tired eyes with bags underneath and hollow pale skin. And the most important fault of all, her usual energy and glow is suddenly gone, making everyone miss what they didn't know was there in the first place.

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