Kymmenen; Behind the door

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"How can you trust me?"


"Good evening miss, how may I help you?"

"Hello! I'd like to get this dress fixed"

Handing over a bundle of pink fabric, the store owner squints.

"Why yes, it seems damaged, what happened to it?"

Minerva grimaces.

Eleven days after Andra's escape.

"Shouldn't you already know who did it?"

Of course she does. Andra thinks back to the long black hair, ugly smirk and satisfied look of her older brother. If anyone is guilty of doing this, it's Aryan. He must've sent a wish for assassination right after she escaped. Aryan could've ordered her death, because she betrayed him and the clan by escaping and defying his orders. But it can't have been an official declaration of murder for treason, since he sent the murder request to an illegal bounty hunter from another clan. Royals aren't supposed to be mixed up with illegal things, like assassination guilds. That just proves Andra's point further, Aryan isn't fit for king, and she would make a much better regent of their clan.

Thankfully though, it seems like the mission was unsuccessful. Andra hasn't died, and the assassin is still alive for questioning. Although how alive Thyra really is, that is up for debate. The way her whole body is shivering and covered in bruises.

The room is still dark, as the sun hasn't risen up fully quite yet. Outside clouds cover the skies, it looks like rain is on its way. The floorboards creak as Andra steps on one foot, and then the other. Thyra is tied up to a chair, not even struggling, seeming in her own world. She is staring out into space, and finds amusement in whatever Andra is trying to ask her. It's a look Andra has seen before. The look of giving up, not only on something that they are doing, but giving up on life. Thyra has given up on life. Andra doesn't really know if she cares about that or not.

Looking down at her now, Andra tries to think through her plan. This Thyra girl has muscular arms and a fit body. Her shoulders are wide and she's slightly taller than Andra herself, which is rare. Dawn, the General, happens to be about the same height as her, but Andra has never met another woman with the same hight and build other than them. Thyra is clearly different, but maybe it has something to do with where she's from. Another thing to add is her skill. Andra was able to measure it when they fought, and she knows that this Thyra girl is equal to her, and probably specialized in murder. The reason she didn't win today is because she gave up willingly, and that beings up another interesting topic.

Could Andra possibly use her?

An assassin willing to do anything, because she has nothing to loose? It's interesting. Sure, she doesn't have the same kind of motivation for this war like Fei does. But she has the skills. Andra just needs to come up with something that Thyra would want in return. Seeing that she is a bounty hunter, the answer is quite clear.

"Just tell me, was it over one hundred?"

Thyra sighs, like she's getting sick of their conversation, sick of talking and frankly sick of living. Thankfully the princess guessed that it would be around one hundred, because if she had guessed more than the real amount, that would've been embarrassing and frankly an angering experience. It still burns a little when Thyra thinks about all the money she could've had. But now it's over.

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