Chapter 4: Knew It

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The next day, Robin really doesn't want to go anywhere. He feels embarrassed about the revelations from last night (he has no idea why he thought he could keep his nature hidden from Jude of all people) and he's also just generally had this weird feeling in his gut since...

Then stop fighting me.

Since Jude essentially treated him like an omega.

So, obviously Robin has known for a while that he is an omega and Jude is an alpha. He's also well aware that generally, no matter the gender, when an alpha and an omega get close to each other... well, stuff can happen. It doesn't matter if it's just friendship either, alphas and omegas were specifically designed to be with each other—partially because most omegas are women and most alphas are men, so it was necessary to grow the population.

Obviously there are exceptions, and betas exist, so it's not like the two secondary genders have to be together. It's just, well, if you're not already mated to someone, it can be difficult to resist.

This is just common knowledge. Robin has always known about it. He just failed to ever even think about applying it to he and Jude's relationship.

This is where the problem is. Robin woke up at 5 AM, with a solid four hours of sleep, and hasn't been able to stop thinking about the way Jude was talking and looking at him last night. The deeper tone of voice he spoke with and the way his eyes were so focused and intimidating, never leaving Robin. Robin has never been treated like that before, but it seems like when they started talking about how omega-like Robin is, Jude just kind of... went with it, at least for a few minutes.

Robin isn't sure if Jude realized the way he was acting, and he's pretty sure Jude will be back to his normal fiery, disrespectful self today, however...

Robin can't stop thinking about the way it made him feel, and how he wants it to happen again. How, for the first time in his life, he kind of wants Jude to treat him like an omega.

Robin isn't sure why, and he doesn't really want to think about it too much. It goes against everything he's worked so hard for all these years.

The amount of precautions he's taken to cover up his omega status are just this side of obsessive. He's not used to feeling this way, and he's not sure why he feels this way, but he does know one thing:

It needs to stop. If he gets even a little comfortable with his secondary gender, everything he worked for will shatter. Jude can't know, even though the concept of it didn't seem to bother him, he still can't find out. So many bad things could happen if Robin stops being careful, so he refuses to allow himself to enjoy, or even think about...

His intimidating blue eyes pierce through Robin's own.

Robin gulps, eyes fluttering closed.

Their noses would be touching if the alpha was any closer.

God... if Jude was any closer...

Robin shoots up to a sitting position as his alarm starts going off. It's pointless, since he's been awake for two hours already. His troubling thoughts scatter, though the warm feeling is still there.

Robin needs to get a handle on this. Fast.

He sighs, climbing out of bed and following his normal routine. It's Thursday, so he only has one more day to get through after this one, and it'll finally be the weekend. After that, he only has two more months and then he's out of high school altogether. Thank god.

All Robin thinks about when he takes a shower is Jude. Their secondary genders never got to him before, but now, for some reason...

Okay, Robin needs to pull himself together. He absolutely cannot face Jude today with his mind like this.

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