Chapter 7: It's Intoxicating

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Jude's family has always been a bit... strange.

Of course, Robin doesn't have much room to talk. His own family feels like a bunch of strangers half the time, which is nothing like the typical closeness between relatives. He can't remember the last time he had a conversation with either of his parents. At least, not one that was voluntary or productive in any way.

So, Robin's family is not traditional by any means. However, Jude's? That right there is a whole different story.

Jude's father is a minister—which doesn't really take a rocket scientist to guess. Jude's full name is Judah Nathaniel Silas, after all. His mother works for the government, though she does lead a Bible study in her free time. Jude grew up in a very religious and well off household.

However, there are a lot of problems behind the scenes. There is a reason the two spend almost no time at Jude's house. Why Robin has only met his best friend's parents a handful of times.

There is a lot of corruption. Mostly within the church. According to Jude, the church hardly uses any of the money it gets—which is a lot—on anything service or charity related. One look at the huge billion dollar building, as well as Jude's massive house, and... well, it's not so hard to believe.

Howard Silas is a very passionate man, and could probably persuade anyone of anything from his charisma alone. He's clearly quite devout, and very proud of his religion. A respectable family man, on the surface level. However, his secret extensive criminal history and continued embezzlement put a bit of a dent in that.

Raina Silas is beautiful and intelligent. She was the valedictorian of her class at Irvine Academy. She graduated in the top 5 percent of her entire university class. Afterwards, the woman worked her way up to the assistant city manager of Irvine, which is the city closest to their small town of Hill Grove. Of course, her infidelity and alcoholism sort of ruin the flawless image.

Then you have their son, Jude Silas. The boy is almost nothing like either of them. An atheist, despite his abundant knowledge of the Bible and extremely religious upbringing. He doesn't like or trust the government, even though his own mother holds a high position in it. He did inherit a bit of his father's knack for corruption and rule breaking, if his school discipline history is anything to go by. He also has his mother's brain, as well as her good looks. Aside from that, though, he might as well be adopted.

He spends next to no time with either of them, to Robin's knowledge. Jude is usually doing one of three things;

1. Hanging out with Robin.

2. Getting into trouble.

Or 3; His schoolwork.

There isn't much else Jude gets up to, really. Also, almost none of the above ever occur at his actual house. Jude really doesn't like being home that much, which is why it catches Robin off guard when he gets in Jude's car after school, asks where they're going to study tonight, and the guy replies;

"My house."

Due to Jude being unbelievably intelligent and a decent tutor, and Robin having straight C's on a good day, the two try to spend a couple nights a week studying together. Like, actually studying. Not Jude sneaking into Robin's house in the middle of the night and helping—as well as irritating—him in passing. The location varies, depending on their schedules, but it has never been at the Silas residence.

"What? Why?" Robin is confused. Jude doesn't even like being in his own house, now he wants to bring Robin there too?

"It's quiet," Jude replies, and Robin just raises an eyebrow at him. It's quiet? Well yeah it's quiet, the dude lives in a multi million dollar house. It's half a mile between his room and the kitchen, so obviously it's quiet.

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