Chapter 26: Change Of Heart

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Robin gets an adrenaline rush almost instantly. He suddenly has so many questions. Most of them are something along the lines of where in the hell has he been?

Robin turns in his seat, and is surprised at the sight in front of him. He's not used to seeing Jude so... nicely dressed. It honestly distracts Robin from the happiness—and slight awkwardness—that he feels at finally seeing his best friend.

Jude's typical unruly brown hair has been actually combed for once. He has on a button down, the tie undone. Dress pants, dress shoes, his glasses (Robin hasn't seen him in those things since they were kids, Jude started wearing contacts pretty early because he thought he looked stupid) and the only explanation that Robin can come up with right now, is church.

Oh yeah, Jude is also upset. Like, really upset. Visibly pissed the hell off, glaring daggers at his mom.

Yikes. Robin is already trying to figure out how to deescalate a situation that hasn't even escalated yet. Jude has never been good at controlling his anger, and although Robin's main concern has always been physical confrontations (which he obviously doesn't have to worry about here) he still needs to keep his guard up. Destruction can still be caused through other means.

"Judah? You're supposed to be practicing—"

"I'm not practicing shit. Robin, go to my room."

Robin is in a room full of alphas, he couldn't disobey Jude's order if he wanted to. He can only resist his instincts to a certain extent, a line has to be drawn somewhere. Evidently the line is three alphas in a room with almost palpable tension.

"We aren't done speaking with him," Howard objects, but even he looks uncomfortable. Raina actually seems nervous. Like she regrets what she said, though probably for the wrong reasons.

"Yes you are," Jude replies, not even entertaining the idea of Robin sticking around for whatever is about to happen. Obviously Robin chooses to listen to him, so he stands up. He thinks about saying some parting words, but he has no clue what he'd even say. So, he just walks out. He looks at Jude, but the guy has his harsh gaze set on his parents.

Robin doesn't leave earshot, though, instead rounding the corner and sitting on the stairs. He sits far enough up that he can have a hasty exit if the conversation ends abruptly, though.

"Judah—" Raina begins, but is interrupted immediately.

"Stop calling me that. What the fuck is going on?"

"We were having a conversation with Robin about recent events. It was going fine until you interrupted."

"Was it?" Jude asks, venomous. Wow, he's really mad. To be fair, though, Miles didn't have to do much and Jude would basically break his face. He walked in on Raina blatantly insulting Robin and making him feel like shit. So, this is somewhat expected. "Because Robin doesn't look like that when he's happy."

Robin frowns. He didn't think he looked like anything. Then again, he's not very good at hiding his emotions to begin with. Also, Jude's parents are smart people, despite their personalities. They probably knew what he was feeling the whole time.

"Why does it matter?" Raina asks, cheeks slightly flushed. Is she embarrassed? About what? Her behavior? Why act like that in the first place, then?

Oh. She's embarrassed she got caught.

"Are you asking me why I care about Robin's happiness?"

"No." She replies defensively. Then, she appears to think about it. "Well, actually yes. What has he ever done for you?"

"There's no way you're being serious right now." Jude says in disbelief. He sounds so upset, Robin just wants to go down there and make him feel better. Still, he continues sitting on the stairs of this multi million dollar house that he absolutely hates. "I've been obsessed with Robin Rose my entire life, and you think he has to do something for me to care about how he feels?"

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