Chapter 6: Suspicions

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Robin glances up from his current activity—video games, which is just about the only thing he'd be doing on a Saturday afternoon, considering Jude is at the gym. He takes his headset off when he spots his sister peeking her head in his room.

"Yeah?" He asks the thirteen year old girl. She has dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes, which she gets from their father. She's wearing a t-shirt and leggings, as well as some flip flops. She also appears a bit nervous.

Katherine Rose starts picking at her hangnails. "Can you take me to the store?"

Wow, Robin hasn't driven his truck in a minute. Usually Jude drives them places, or he walks just to get some fresh air. Half the time he forgets he even has a car at all, to be honest.

Robin nods. "Yeah, just let me finish my game."

After he finishes said game, which he ends up losing anyway, Robin loads Kat up in his black truck. It was given to him by his dad, and the truck really doesn't suit him at all. He thinks it was one of his father's last attempts at making him more manly—even though Robin really isn't all that feminine. He paints his nails black when he's bored and is an omega, but that's about it.

The ride to the store is somewhat silent, Robin listening to his music while Kat fidgets. The way she's sitting looks a bit uncomfortable, but Robin ignores it. Once they arrive, Robin's curiosity gets the best of him.

"So what are we getting?" He asks as the girl unbuckles her seatbelt. She glances over at him, and he notices that she very obviously does not want to tell him. Uh, okay.

"Just, uh. Necessities." Kat responds.

Robin raises an eyebrow, but doesn't push the subject. He respects the girl's privacy and lets her lead the way inside. Once they are in, Robin makes a pit stop to grab some energy drinks and chips. This is because he plans on playing video games all day, and he needs fuel.

Once they reach the feminine products aisle, Robin starts to get a... suspicion.

No, that's dumb. If she were here to get pads or something then she definitely would have asked Mom to take her. Robin, chill out.

Robin tries not to make the girl feel uncomfortable and avoids looking at whatever she ends up picking out, but after the cashier checks them out and hands Robin the bag, he can't help but look.

He almost drops the bag when he lays eyes on exactly what he was hoping wouldn't be there.

He was right.

Once they're back in his truck, Robin starts it to get the air conditioning going. However, he doesn't go anywhere.

"Kat." How should he approach this? Ignoring it isn't an option, because this is a big deal.

"I don't want to talk about it."

It's starting to add up. The way she was sitting on the way here—her leg under her, presumably so she can avoid staining the car seat. How nervous she'd been. There's no way their parents know, and Robin has so many questions.

Hitting puberty is nothing to take lightly, which is exactly what Kat getting her period means. She has hit puberty, and that means she will present soon. This is a really big deal.

"Kat, you need to at least tell Mom." Robin says, turning to face the girl. She won't look at him. She seems very deep in thought, and she's shaking a bit. This is concerning.

"No. I don't... I can't deal with that right now."

"What do you mean?" Robin asks. He knows their parents aren't really... the best, but this is a lot. For as long as Robin can remember, Charlie Rose has been pretty distant. Especially since Robin presented, the man has wanted almost nothing to do with the eldest child. Mary Rose is by far the most involved, but that isn't really saying much. Robin can't remember the last time either of them smiled at him.

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