Chapter 10: Pray

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The rest of the weekend goes by pretty uneventfully. Jude doesn't leave his house, obviously, and his responses over text are few and far between. It's understandable, though. The guy is probably, uh... busy.

Jude isn't going to school Monday, though. He shouldn't go Tuesday, either, but he probably will because the guy hates missing school. This means that when Monday does eventually come, Robin is on his own. Robin is totally cool with being alone for certain amounts of time, and a school day or a weekend is completely fine. However, he really doesn't want to go to school without Jude for one specific reason:


Jude is the reason that Miles doesn't mess with him the entire school day, and now Miles has absolutely nothing to watch out for. This is gonna suck.

Robin gets in his truck and heads to school, dreading the day the entire time. He didn't get any sleep last night because he's been making a conscious effort not to think about the other night.

Every time he does, he gets this... feeling, and he can't tell what it is. Embarrassment? Guilt? Excitement? Regret? All of the above?

So, he's been avoiding those thoughts. It's a lot harder than he thought it would be, hence being up most of the night.

Once arriving at school, he parks in Jude's parking spot and sits there. He pretty much just plays games on his phone until it's time to go to class, because he doesn't know what else he'd be doing. Jude is basically his only friend, unless you count the acquaintances he's made over the years—most of which he doesn't talk to outside of school and video games.

Don't get him wrong, he isn't sad about this. He has no desire to have any close friends aside from Jude. He used to have the typical childhood dream of being popular and having a million friends, but that—along with many qualities and dreams of his—died off when he presented.

It's honestly insane how much his presentation changed his life and how he developed. It's like he lost a piece of his soul. His childhood. He was so crushed, as dramatic as it all sounds. He's spent every day since wishing he could be anyone else. It was quite honestly the worst day of his life.

He wonders how he'd look, if he'd been a beta or alpha. He'd probably still have his blond hair, as well as either no tattoos or far less. He most likely wouldn't spend all his free time distracting himself with video games. He wouldn't have any of his piercings. All of this was caused by his mental breakdown.

Robin would look completely different. Robin would be completely different.

Robin sighs as it gets close to the bell ringing. He hates it when his mind gets like this, all negative for no reason. He's so bummed out now, he just wants the day to end.

Robin walks to his first period with no problems. He doesn't see Miles at all during his first classes, and he begins to hope that by some strange coincidence, the guy didn't show up today. He is proven wrong during lunch, though.

He decides to spend lunch in the auditorium. He grabs some chips from the cafeteria and just sits in the corner of the large room. He isn't the only one either, lots of kids come to the auditorium to eat their lunch. They all sit in the black box area, and it's usually people with no friends.

Robin doesn't care. It's quiet. At least, it is until he feels his earplugs being ripped out by the wire as someone takes a seat far too close to his liking.

Robin looks up, and unsurprisingly finds Miles. "Well you look pathetic."

Robin rolls his eyes. To be fair, though, he totally looks like shit right now. His hair is a complete train wreck, and he has his typical dark circles under his eyes. He's wearing a baggy black shirt with some video game company logo on it, black cargo sweatpants, and five years old torn up combat boots. He's tired, and he misses Jude, and he's been depressed all day. Also, his head hurts.

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