Chapter 14: No More Secrets

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"I'm sorry," Robin apologizes as a burst of adrenaline shoots through his body. He begins to pull away from Jude as he starts to panic more and more. "I'm sorry. I know we were gonna be alphas or whatever and this is like the worst thing I could have presented as. God, why did you make me tell you? This sucks."

Robin backs away until he reaches his bed, and he takes a seat. As the seconds go by he just continues to overthink until he begins to convince himself that Jude hates him now, despite having no evidence of it.

"Stop apologizing." Jude says. Robin still can't help but stress. He rests his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands as he tries to figure out where to go from here. Jude knows. Jude knows. Jude knows.

Robin should've known he couldn't hide this forever. Still, he's at a complete loss for what to do. He seriously should've planned for this, but he was in denial. He refused to even consider the possibility of it happening.

"This doesn't change anything. I meant what I said."

Robin is having a difficult time keeping himself together. He's trying to figure out if he should believe Jude right now. If this revelation actually made the guy hate him, though, surely he wouldn't try to hide it. Right? That doesn't really make sense.

Robin feels the bed dip a bit on either side of him, and he glances up to find Jude leaned all in his space with his hands on either side of him, their faces only a few inches from each other. Robin's eyes widen, and he can feel his heart beat pick up. Jude does not need to be doing this, especially right now, it causes Robin to feel weird.

"Please tell me you're not joking." Robin says, his voice quiet. He's genuinely having a difficult time keeping it together right now. He's so scared. Also, he's distracted. Jude really needs to learn some personal space because this is getting out of hand.

"I'm not," Jude replies, and Robin is starting to believe him. "Robin... how long has it been?"

Robin glances down. "Since I was 15."

Robin won't meet Jude's eyes, but he hears the disbelief when the guy asks, "you've kept this secret—you've been on suppressants for three years?"

Robin just nods, not trusting his voice.

"That is not healthy." Jude says. "Why did you cover it up in the first place?"

Robin looks up, meeting Jude's eyes in disbelief. Seriously? He thought this guy was smart. "Because it could ruin my life? I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm a guy. Im a guy, and I'm an omega, and if everyone knew they would hate me. They wouldn't let me live it down, I'd lose any friendships I have or might have and—"

"Stop being dramatic." Jude says, staring down at Robin, the expression on his face almost disappointed. "You really think I'd let anything happen to you? Besides, people don't really care as much anymore. Not like they used to."

Robin feels his cheeks flush a bit, and he ignores the reason why. He needs to get a handle on this quick, because he's starting to suspect something about himself—something about he and Jude's relationship, and specifically the way he feels towards his best friend. He's starting to suspect something that would ruin everything.

Maybe it's just a primal reaction. He can't control his instincts. It's not his fault. He's just being paranoid, he feels nothing but platonic emotions towards his best friend.

"You really should try to get off your medication. It's so bad for you."

"No way." Robin disagrees immediately, shaking his head. Hell no. "I've never had a heat before and I've been suppressing them for three years—holy shit, that's gonna be miserable."

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