Chapter 19: Ruining It

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When Robin wakes up, his head hurts. Like, a lot. He hasn't had a headache this bad since the first concert he went to. He was 14, with front row tickets—and on top of that, it was a rock band.

Robin stretches, rolling onto his back and staring at the ceiling. He blinks a few times as his eyes adjust to the brightness of the room. He becomes aware of two things, almost at once. One, he's not in his room. Two, he's really warm.

Robin frowns, sitting up and looking around. He recognizes that this is Jude's room, but he doesn't see the guy anywhere. He presses the back of his hand against his forehead, and yeah, he's definitely running a temperature.

Robin starts rubbing his head, trying to soothe the headache, and a second later the door opens.

He looks up, and finds Jude walking into the room. The guy is wearing gym shorts, and no shirt. He has a towel, which he appears to be using to dry his hair, giving Robin the impression that the guy just took a shower, and might have exercised. Robin immediately has Jude's attention, and the guy walks towards him. He holds out a granola bar, a water bottle, and a Tylenol.

"How are you feeling?" Jude asks, and now that he's closer, Robin can make out details better. He takes what's being handed to him, and in doing so, notices bruising all over Jude's knuckles. That is the only visible injury right now, but due to the fact that Jude isn't wearing a lot of clothes Robin can't help but wonder if it's the only one.

Jude always was good at fighting.

"Fine." Robin responds, but he has a lot of questions. He begins eating the granola bar as the events of last night come back to him. He doesn't remember a lot, though. He and Jude went to the party, Jude had to go to the bathroom, Robin sat on a balcony for a while... he thinks Miles may have shown up, which would explain the condition of Jude's hands. The rest is a blur.

"Do you remember anything?"

Robin feels distracted. He is really overheating right now, and Jude is half naked, and it smells like alpha in here—

"Not really."

"Okay," Jude says, and he's standing at the foot of the bed with his arms crossed. Robin tries to calm down. "Well Miles drugged you. With Atrabide."

That causes a bit of alarm. Atrabide? Robin has actually heard of that drug before. It's a date rape drug, and it's commonly used on omegas—specifically because it fucks with their medicine and heat cycles. Uh oh.

"What—What did it do?" Robin asks, because if he's about to go into heat then he will jump off a bridge. It does explain why Jude is so attractive right now, though. Okay, so Jude is always attractive—in a completely platonic way, of course. However, right now? Right now Jude is really attractive.

"It completely cancelled out your scent blockers, that's for sure. I don't think it did much to your heat suppressants. You'll probably have a temperature and be horny but I don't think you'll go into heat. It'll be like presenting."

Robin's cheeks flush, which he tries to ignore. For some reason any time Jude mentions sexual stuff Robin feels all... flustered. Especially when it has something to do with him. He really needs to get a handle on this.

It processes that Robin definitely smells like omega right now. Jude has never been around Robin's actual scent, so this is a first. Robin reflexively grabs a blanket and wraps it around himself, hoping it will help. All it does is make Jude's smell even stronger, unfortunately, so it seems like he's just doomed.

At least the fan is on right now, or Robin would really be having a rough time. Jude likes to mess with him, though, so he wouldn't have expected the courtesy to begin with.

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