Chapter 27: In Time

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Robin spends the next week second guessing every decision he's made since birth.

He's pretty sure he did the right thing, though. Just the few days before Robin went over, Jude was doing great without him, helping out both his parents with their super successful jobs. Robin thinks that without him, Jude would be way better off.

Don't get him wrong, Robin doesn't like Raina. He never has. However, that doesn't mean she's wrong. She wants what's best for her son, understandably, and who would Robin be to hold him back?

Robin has started to look for a different job. He isn't sure if he's going to quit Margo's if he finds one, but he hasn't been getting enough hours there. Also, when he works a lot, it helps to take his mind off things.

Anyway, Robin applies to work at a nearby restaurant, as well as a receptionist job at a local tattoo parlor. If he's being completely honest, he's hoping for the tattoo one. He's always been obsessed with tattoos, he's not even nineteen and he has almost his entire arm covered, as well as one on the back of his neck. He also has a pretty big one on his thigh. He has some small hand tattoos as well, and they all look surprisingly good considering that they were done stick-and-poke by himself.

Robin is currently sitting in his bedroom, ignoring his phone. It's gone off a few times in the last week, and he's elected to not even check it. He knows that if it's Jude, he'll get stressed and probably end up answering. However, if it's not Jude—if the guy once again has not tried to contact him for whatever reason, like before—Robin knows he will get sad, because his emotions make no sense.

Robin has been trying to occupy himself with video games, and he thinks he's done a decent job. He hasn't been thinking about Jude Silas. At all. Of course not. Who cares? Not Robin, that's for sure.

He's not supposed to be seeing Jude anyway, apparently. So whatever.

Robin dies for the umpteenth time, and hears one of his teammates cursing him out on the coms. He rolls his eyes and decides to quit the game, looking for something else. This time he's playing on his computer, headset on and facing away from the door, which is why he doesn't hear Kat knock or see her come in.

When she taps on his shoulder, Robin jumps. He spins around and finds his sister, taking his headset off immediately. She looks nervous.

"Yeah?" he asks, unsure if she said anything. She glances to the side, and doesn't look back at him when she responds.

"Can you take me to Jamie's house?"

Oh. So that's why she's nervous.

Jamie Novak is Miles' little brother. Sadly, he is in Kat's class, and they've always somewhat been friends. Also, their parents like him. She hasn't hung out with him in a long time, though, so Robin kind of assumed they stopped associating.

Kat wants him to take her to Miles' house.

Robin sighs, fully taking off his headset and running a hand through his hair. Words cannot describe how much he doesn't want to do this.

"Yeah," he agrees anyway, because he's weak and hates letting Kat down. She beams at him, and begins thanking him profusely. He gives her a half smile back, though it's obvious that he isn't exactly ecstatic about it.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you—I appreciate this so much, Robin. I can get Mom to pick me up, so you don't even have to worry about that. No big deal."

Robin smiles as they walk out to his car. From what he can tell, Jamie treats her pretty well, which is surprising considering who his brother is. To his knowledge they're only friends, but if anything ever becomes of their relationship in the future... oh, that would suck.

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