Chapter 9: Lonely

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Jude is very upset with Robin. Like, more upset than Robin originally thought.

Jude isn't talking to him. Robin tries to initiate conversation in school or invite the guy over and he just straight up ignores him. That, or he gives short one word answers—and that's only if he's feeling generous.

It's starting to get to Robin.

He can't handle Jude being upset with him. Especially not for this long. All because he stopped the guy from fighting Miles.

The rest of the school week Jude barely acknowledges Robin's existence. He still drives Robin to school and work and stuff, which means that at least the guy still cares. This eases Robin's mind a bit, but he can still feel himself slowly beginning to lose it.

The worst part is, it doesn't seem to even bother Jude. How little they're talking and spending time together. Robin thought that Jude relied as much on him as he did the other, but considering the fact that Jude seems perfectly fine... he's beginning to doubt that. This honestly feels like a break up, as crazy as it sounds. Robin feels like he's having to adjust to life without his best friend.

Robin is quite conflicted. If he told Jude his secret, the guy would probably hate him. However, following Miles' directions appears to be having a similar effect. It's like he can't win.

Robin doesn't know how much longer he can go on like this. Jude has begun to take up all of his thoughts. Of course, the alpha has always occupied a good majority of the space in his head. However, now he's laid claim to Robin's entire waking mind. Jude has never been this upset with him and Robin can't take it anymore.

So, Jude acts like this the entire week, and once the weekend hits... Robin breaks.

It's late at night, though still in the PM, and Robin finally gives in. He tracks Jude.

It shows that he's at a 24 hour fast food place near his house, and Robin calls him.

Jude doesn't answer, so Robin calls him again. Again, no answer. Robin calls him at least ten more times, Jude hanging up each one. He lets out a shaky sigh, setting his phone on the bed. He sees that Jude is back driving on the interstate, and somewhere in the back of his mind Robin takes note that he's going the wrong way.

Robin curls himself up into a ball, wrapping his blanket around himself. Omegas are more emotional, naturally. Usually his medicine helps with this, but he just took it so it's going to be at least another hour or so before it fully kicks in. This means that he's at his most emotional.

He blames the medicine for his eyes tearing up. Robin typically doesn't feel so much, but the combination of his best friend ignoring him and said medicine has him resting his head on his knees.

He's aware that there are tears escaping his eyes, but he refuses to give in. He's only human, and all the changes in his life recently, as well as his lack of sleep, are finally starting to take their toll. Robin hasn't cried in over a year, it's not a common thing for him.

Jude wouldn't even pick up the phone. What if Robin was in trouble? The guy really just doesn't care. Are they even friends anymore? What is Robin supposed to do here? He hasn't a clue, all he knows is that his life sucks currently and the only thing he can think of to do is cry about it, because he's a productive adult.

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