Chapter 2: Peace

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"Okay, and you're still taking your medicine daily?"

Robin slumps back on the bed he's currently seated on, situated against the wall. His mother eyes him for any sign of disrespect, but he learned long ago to be nice to adults. She just has this weird impression that Jude is rubbing off on him.


Doctor Eric nods, and Robin folds his hands together. The man types something out on his computer, before stopping and turning to fully face the teenager. Here we go.

"You've been taking heat suppressants and scent blockers every day since you presented, you've hardly even experienced a heat. You do realize how unhealthy this is, right?"

Most omegas only take suppressants to make their heats more manageable, not to get rid of them entirely. Robin started taking suppressants before he ever had his first heat, right after he presented, which were expensive but after a lot of pleading his mother conceded. Suppressing your heats entirely is dangerous, because when you eventually don't take your medicine and have one, it can be unbearable without help—and once it's started, no medicine can stop it. Robin could literally be driven to complete carnal desire or even insanity.

Robin decided a long time ago it was worth it.

He bites the inside of his cheek, breaking eye contact. He really does not like to discuss this. It's just... awkward and uncomfortable. He's not used to people knowing he's an omega, and it's weird to openly talk about it. He wants to get back to his normal life of pretending like he hasn't presented.

"I know," Robin mumbles, scratching his arm. He doesn't have the doctor that originally prescribed him the suppressants anymore, because apparently the guy messed up and should not have allowed Robin to get on the medication so early. His new doctor has had a problem with it ever since.

Doctor Eric sighs. "I know that this is about that alpha friend of yours," he states, and Robin stares down at his fidgety hands. "Robin, look at me."

Begrudgingly, Robin raises his eyes to meet his doctor's, who is giving him a meaningful look. "I want you to think about telling him. Sometime soon, because you can't go on like this forever."

Over Robin's dead body.

"Okay," he falsely concedes, and that seems to pacify the doctor for now.

He has no intention of listening. Doctor Eric has been telling him the same thing for two years now, but Robin flat refuses. He takes his pills religiously—has two separate alarms on his phone. Jude is never going to find out. He can't find out.

Robin doesn't know if the guy would treat him differently, however, he has to be safe. He can't be optimistic about this. Secondary genders have ruined friendships, torn families apart, and Jude is the most important person in the world to Robin. He prefers the risk if it doesn't jeopardize their relationship.

A life without Jude... no, Robin doesn't even want to think about it.

He's keeping this secret, he doesn't care if he hurts himself in the process. Anything's better than losing Jude.

Robin just can't risk it.


"Okay, stay still." Jude says, wrapping some Saran Wrap around Robin's shoulders and partially on his neck. Robin rolls his eyes, like he hasn't done this a million times. Jude can be so dramatic sometimes.

Robin starts picking at his hangnail, seated on the desk chair that Jude rolled into the bathroom. He stares at himself in the mirror, then glances at Jude, who seems to be positioning the Saran Wrap perfectly on Robin's shoulders. Honestly, they're only dying his roots, there isn't a need for all this.

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