Epilogue Pt. 2

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Robin's phone is ringing.

He glances up from where he's seated, in the kitchen of his—their—apartment. It's currently five p.m. and he'd been working on an outline for a client.

Robin reaches across the table, pressing the green button and putting it up to his ear. He doesn't even look at the ID, but there are only three people it could be: Kat, work, and... well, and Jude.

Robin feels his cheeks get a bit warm for some reason, but it goes away when hears Kat's voice;

"Hello? Robin?"


He hears some shuffling around, and there may have been a male voice in the background. Robin is immediately curious, and slightly suspicious. Kat has a pretty decent number of friends, and she's getting close to being done with high school altogether. However, today is Saturday, and there are very few friends she hangs out with outside of school.

"Well, okay, you know how we've been planning dinner, but you're always busy?"

Robin feels guilt gnaw at him when she says that. It's true, though, they've been wanting to get dinner together to catch up, but it turns out owning a tattoo parlor is a full time job. Robin has had to consistently put it off due to his busy schedule. "I—Yeah, I do."

"Well I was thinking maybe we could do it tonight? Since we're both off." Kat suggests, and if Robin is being honest, he really doesn't have the time right now. He needs to finish this outline by tomorrow. However, saying no to this girl has always been difficult for him. Not to mention, if they don't do it now he has no idea when there will be another opportunity.

Guess it's gonna be a late night.

"Sure," Robin says, and he's already texting Jude to pick up groceries for dinner.

"Okay! What time?" Kat asks, and she sounds so excited and happy about this that it actually makes Robin forget some of his stress. Yeah, being a bit behind in his work is worth it if he gets this kind of reaction from Kat.

Well, Jude gets off at 5:30—so like, twenty minutes from now. Robin still needs time to cook dinner, deciding he will play it safe and go with spaghetti. "Does seven work?"

"Yeah!" Kat replies enthusiastically. Robin smiles, but it dwindles a bit when he hears; "Um, also, is it okay if I... bring, um, if I bring a friend?"

The tone of the conversation changes. He knows his sister well, can even read her through a phone, and she's nervous.

"Yeah," Robin says, feeling a bit confused. "As long as they like spaghetti."

"Okay! Thank you! I'll see you at seven."

Robin nods, and he can't shake the feeling that something's a bit off here. It's only after they exchange goodbyes that it occurs to him. He probably should have asked her which friend she's bringing.

She's eighteen now, the same age Robin was when he and Jude's relationship got complicated, so Robin can't help his concern.

Robin gets a text notification from Jude, telling him that he just got off and will drop by the store on his way home. Robin sends him a more detailed list of the things they need, and he feels lost in his head the entire time.

It's been a few months since they reunited. Since Jude showed up in Robin's shop and basically told Robin to stop making everything difficult. If Robin's being honest, he's so glad it happened. They're both much happier already, and they've only been living together for a month or so.

Living together. Living with Jude. It all seems so unreal to Robin, and it's taken some getting used to. He's lived by himself for the last several years. It's been an adjustment, but he doesn't mean that in a negative way. He gets to spend all his free time with his best fr—with, um, with Jude. They have sleepovers every night. Eighteen year old Robin would be ecstatic over this arrangement.

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