Chapter 16: Trusted

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Jude appears confused, raising his hand up to block the sun from getting in his eyes, presumably to be able to see Robin better. The look on his face is wary, and Robin has a feeling he probably wasn't supposed to hear half of that conversation.

Robin is unsure what to do. He blinks. "Hello."

"What are you doing down there?" Jude asks, and he starts walking towards him. He leans forward and holds his hand out. Robin grabs hold of it, and Jude pulls him up like it's nothing.

"I was um. I was..." Robin tries to come up with a reason for sitting in the middle of a parking lot, but nothing comes to mind. He scratches his neck, frowning as he brainstorms. Honestly, fuck their whole no secrets honesty agreement, if Jude won't honor it Robin won't either. "I was walking and I fell down."

Jude raises an eyebrow, obviously not believing Robin because that was a horrible lie. "Okay. How long have you been there?"

"Like two seconds."

Jude blinks, before something occurs to him. "Shouldn't you be at work?"

"No." Robin responds way too quickly. Jude looks confused by Robin's weird behavior, which is to be expected, "I mean, uh, turns out I don't have it today."

Robin is acting super suspicious, and it's clear that Jude doesn't know what to think of this. "Okay, so you need a ride home?"

Robin nods, surprised that Jude is going along with it despite visibly not believing him. Jude releases Robin's arm. Robin didn't even notice he was still holding it from helping him up earlier, and he feels confused as to why it took Jude this long to let go. Jude doesn't say anything else, just walks over to the driver side of his car and gets in. Robin takes his cue and hops in the passenger seat.

As they pull out of the parking lot, Jude begins speaking. "Did you hear any of that?"

Robin purses his lips, and it's very apparent Jude said or hinted at something during the conversation that Robin wasn't supposed to know. What, though? Was it his weird response to Miles implying all the relationship stuff? That's the only thing Robin can think of, and he wonders if he should tell Jude about it. Aren't they supposed to not keep secrets now or something? Then again, Jude has some sort of crush that he isn't telling Robin, so whatever.

"Any of what?" Robin pretends like he has no idea what Jude is talking about. Jude appears somewhat relieved, though he's clearly still skeptical.

"I talked to Miles. I don't think he'll bother you anymore, but he was being more difficult than usual."

Robin nods, feeling distracted. It bothers him that Miles knows something about Jude, some secret, and Robin doesn't. Jude said it himself, they aren't keeping secrets anymore, but it sounds like he has at least two. Whatever Miles knows, and this secret crush. Robin knows this will bother him. He should find a way to ask about it, but he doesn't know how to word it without revealing his eavesdropping.

Actually, he already knew about one of the secrets. He can ask about that!

"Uh, do you remember how you said you'd tell me who you have a crush on? If I told you my secret?" Jude frowns, but nothing else about him changes. He might be thinking. "You know, we could trade secrets or something? From like a week ago?"

"Yes." Jude says, and he doesn't elaborate any further. Robin is starting to feel confused. He thought the entire reason Jude wouldn't tell him was because he was trying to convince Robin to reveal his own. Why does he still seem hesitant?

"So... are you going to tell me?" Robin asks, wondering why he has to push this so much.

Jude shakes his head. He doesn't even say no, doesn't give Robin a verbal response. It's clear he's not too keen on holding up his end of the deal, and Robin really doesn't understand why. "Huh? Why?"

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