Chapter 5: Cost

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"Miles." Robin says, voice betraying how panicked he is. Flashbacks of he and Jude's entire friendship play in his brain, making this situation so much worse and stressing him out immensely. "Miles. Please."

"Please what? Please don't tell Jude? You're gonna have to do better than that, Omega."

God, Robin's in so much trouble right now. Just the concept of losing Jude as a friend, of the guy leaving his life, is enough to give him a sinking feeling in his stomach. Now that it's an actual possibility? Robin doesn't know what to do. He's at a complete loss. He just wants this situation to be over. He wishes he could go back in time and not follow the series of events that lead him to this moment.

In hindsight, there are ways he could have gotten out of this. He could have said the medicine is for someone else and just hope Miles didn't see his name on it. He could have, as a last resort, told Miles that Jude already knows—though that's less likely to work. He curses himself for not thinking more, but panic takes over his body to the point where he couldn't rationalize if he wanted to.

"Don't tell Jude." Robin says, looking at Miles almost pleading. He feels a bit pathetic right now but whatever.

Miles just stares down at Robin, as the omega tries to stand up and straighten himself out. "Please don't tell Jude."

So, here's the thing about Miles: Robin can't think of a single time the guy looked at him with anything but pure hatred and detest on his face. Seriously, the dude can't stand him. This is why, when he sees the expression on Miles' face, he can't help but to feel slightly caught off guard. The guy doesn't look happy, or gentle or anything. However, he isn't looking at Robin like he usually does. His gaze is neutral, leaning toward the tolerable side.

This is weird.

Robin tries to figure out why the guy doesn't look as feral as usual. Then, he realizes something. He doesn't know how applicable it is to the situation, but it is an explanation. Alphas that aren't mated, by nature, are meant to protect and care for omegas. Historically, the male omegas that were treated like shit were mostly victim to betas and mated alphas. In recent years this has become less common, though. Male omegas being looked down upon has been so normalized that a lot of alphas can resist this instinct.

Alright, that's probably not it. Robin can't think of anything else, though.

"Okay," Miles says, and his tone isn't nearly as harsh as it usually is. "Okay, I won't. For now. But you better keep your alpha under control, because the second he crosses another line, I'm ruining your life."

Robin winces, avoiding eye contact. How does he get himself in these situations? He's also not sure how he feels about Miles referring to Jude as his alpha. They are not mated. They aren't interested in each other like that.

"Jude isn't my alpha," Robin replies, even though he's pretty sure Miles wasn't being serious. If Jude was his alpha, then that would mean he knew.

Miles raises an eyebrow at Robin's (most likely unnecessary) clarification. Also, probably the fact that Robin didn't acknowledge anything else he said.

"Right. Well, keep your friend under control. Honestly, your best bet would be to stay away from him entirely."

Ha! That's a joke. Robin couldn't stay away from Jude if he wanted to. They're just drawn to each other, it's almost magnetic. Whatever, he'll humor Miles.

"I... can try, but you have to stop hurting me or I doubt it will work."

Miles reaches out, and grabs Robin by the jaw. It surprises him, so he immediately tenses up. Miles tilts his head, getting way too close to Robin's face. "I'm gonna do what I want, and you're gonna listen to everything I say. Yeah?"

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