Chapter 22: Falling

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When Robin wakes up the next morning, he immediately knows something is wrong.

He honestly feels pretty similar to how he did after the graduation party incident. His body over heating, everything a bit louder, weirdly... uh, aroused. To his knowledge, though, he hasn't been drugged.

Robin opens his eyes and sits up, finding Jude beside him. There isn't a lot of light coming through the window, and Robin gets the sense that it's really early. He looks around for his phone, before remembering that it's dead and he didn't charge it last night.

Something he notices that didn't happen last time, is that with every passing moment he feels worse. Yeah, that's new.

Robin's temperature is increasing, though, so he removes the blankets currently covering most of his body. While he's at it he takes off his shirt, thankful that the fan is already on.

Why is it so hot?

"...Robin?" Robin hears Jude's groggy voice and guesses that his haste to remove the covers must have awoken him.

"G-Go back to sleep, Jude, it's six a.m." Robin says, and for some reason his voice sounds strained. This catches the attention of Jude, the guy waking up more and more with each second.

"Then why are you up? Did—" Jude stops cold, and Robin watches as his eyes widen, shooting up to a sitting position as he stares at Robin in alarm. Robin is immediately curious as to what could have gotten this reaction from his best friend.

"Robin." He says, voice a bit deeper. Robin raises an eyebrow as the guy covers his nose and, yeah, he's backing away. He's removed himself from the bed. "What is that."

Robin has no idea what Jude means. He knows he might smell like omega right now, due to whatever is going on with him, but... "What's what?"

"Smell. The smell. You smell—" Jude is now covering his nose with both hands as he backs into the wall by his bathroom. It appears as though his injuries are feeling better. "Why do you smell like that?"

"Like what?" Robin asks, beyond confused. Why is Jude being so dramatic?

"Like that." Jude says forcefully. "Like... good."

Robin is offended. "What's that supposed to mean? Do I not normally smell good? I shower like twice a day, so—"

"Like omega." Jude interrupts, sounding both frustrated and breathless. "Really, really omega."

It's then that something occurs to Robin. Jude called him at about 10 last night, which is around an hour before he takes his medicine. They would have probably reached Jude's house only a little bit after 11, but Robin's phone was dead by then, so he couldn't have gotten the alarm...

So he forgot. Robin didn't take his medicine.

He has some in his truck, but it would make no difference now. It would literally do nothing. It's like rabies, how once you become symptomatic you're already dead. He's already feeling the effects, so it's too late.

In short, Robin is completely fucked.

"Oh no," Robin says, panic beginning to flood his body. A lot of things are now making sense, and he resorts to his emergency protocol. He grabs one of Jude's blankets and wraps it around himself to help with the scent, and watches as Jude struggles to hold himself upright. "Oh no, no, no, oh shit, oh fuck."

"What?" Jude asks, and he now has a hoodie pressed against his face to block the smell.

"I forgot to take my medicine." Robin says, and it is explicitly clear to him right now. Just the fact that this room smells like alpha—like Jude, specifically—is enough to almost make him wet his goddamn pants. This is very bad. He and Jude have never been good at ignoring their instincts. Robin needs to figure this out. Fast.

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