Chapter 13: Presentation

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Going to the doctor is as much of an event as always.

Robin has to leave his phone at home to avoid being tracked, and he drives there himself. It's weird going without his mom, but he thinks he could get used to it. He is prepared, he has his wallet and insurance card. Still, upon arrival he can't help but feel nervous.

Robin somewhat knows what to expect, but this visit will still be different. He won't have his mom, which means he can be more honest. Also, this is the first time he's ever actually had something wrong. All the other appointments have been routine check ups, this is the first time he's had a reason.

Robin makes his way into the building, checking in with the lady and waiting until his name gets called. After being brought to an examination room, he sits in a chair and waits for Dr. Eric. He can't help but feel nervous.

What is Robin even going to say? How should he word this, without sounding completely pathetic? He seriously does not know, he doesn't usually speak for himself like this. Unfortunately, he has to wait about five more minutes for the doctor to appear—each of which feel like an hour.

When Dr. Eric does finally enter the room, Robin straightens up. His nerves increase tenfold, and he fidgets with his jacket sleeve as the doctor smiles at him.

"Haven't seen you in a while," the doctor says, and it's clear that he's joking due to the fact that Robin was only here a little over a month ago. Typically this is a yearly thing. He smiles, and he knows it's a bit awkward but he doesn't operate well in new situations.

"So what's been going on? Helen said you're having problems with your medicine?"

Robin nods. Here goes. "Yeah, uh, I think I'm getting a tolerance."

The doctor frowns, and that can't be a good sign. "Are they not working? You can't develop a tolerance for suppressants."

Huh? That's the only reason Robin could think of, though. He can't help but to frown because he really wasn't expecting that. Robin doesn't know what to say now, because it's not necessarily that the medicine isn't working, it's just been less effective recently.

"Oh. Well it hasn't been working as well." Is all Robin can think to say,

Dr. Eric's eyebrows pinch together a bit, and he begins clicking around on his computer. Robin isn't sure what to do right now, so he just sits there and stares at the floor while he waits for the doctor to say something.

"You are on Vivoxitrol for your scent, and Omeveset for your heats, correct?"


"So there's been no issues for three years, but lately you've been having problems?"

Robin nods.

"What's been going on? I'm not sure I completely understand."

Okay, wow. Robin really does not want to explain this. He genuinely contemplates saying never mind and showing himself out. However, he wants to cure whatever has been going on with him more than he'd like to leave the situation.

"Well, lately when I've been around my best friend—"

"The alpha?" Dr. Eric clarifies. Robin nods.

"Yeah. I've just been having a really difficult time ignoring my instincts? It pretty much only happens around him, though. I've been more emotional and submissive and stuff. I think it's affecting him as well because I don't know for sure but I think I may have accidentally caused his rut not too long ago? Maybe, but I could be wrong."

The doctor appears to be taking this in. "So it's mostly just your behavior? Nothing to do with your actual scent or your heats?"

Robin blinks. Yeah, basically. He gives the doctor an affirmative.

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