Chapter 8: A Resolution

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Robin has decided he needs to come up with a plan.

Jude is onto him. He knows Robin is hiding something and he is going to be testing him. This is a problem, because none of the lies Robin has ever told him were bulletproof. He had to figure it out somehow, so now Robin has to be careful. Robin's never been all that good at being careful.

Jude is also smarter than Robin. Like, a lot smarter than Robin.

This puts the alpha at an advantage. Their whole lives, Jude has always been several steps ahead. The guy is almost never wrong.

Robin sighs, sitting at the front desk of Margo's shop. They're pretty slow today, so he's not expecting to be here much longer. They close in like an hour anyway, he literally has nothing to do but sit here on his phone or think.

Thankfully he doesn't have any homework tonight, for once. It's also Friday, which means no school tomorrow. There is only about a month left of school at this point, and he will finally be free. There aren't words to describe how happy he is about this. The only setback would be the fact that he has no idea what he wants to do with his life.

Jude has already been accepted by a university in Irvine. He will be doing it online, though. Robin? Robin doesn't even want to go to college. Not even community.

He's hated school for as long as he can remember. It's always been so difficult for him, and he's never really understood why. He's aware that he's a bit slow, but it's honestly embarrassing how much he's always struggled with his academics.

He doesn't want to further his education. He'd have dropped out by now if his mom would allow it.

He honestly has no idea what he wants to do, though, and the closer he gets to graduation... the more pressure he feels. Almost every conversation with his parents for the last year or so have been them asking about his future plans, and him avoiding any straight answer.

"You can get out of here pretty soon, if you want." He hears, and he looks up to find Margo Rose with a bag of hair clips in her hand. They've already started closing up.

Margo is his father's twin sister. She's always been kind to Robin, and he can confidently say she's probably his favorite relative. Well, aside from Kat. He can't really talk to Kat about this sort of thing, though.

The woman has given him advice on many topics, and if he's being honest... Robin could really use some advice right about now. He has so much going on, most of which he can't even talk to anyone about. It's starting to drive him crazy, which is why he asks; "Can I talk to you? Just when you have time."

Margo had begun to walk away, but she glances over at him. "Okay. Just go wait in my office for a second."

Robin nods, even though she's already turned around and begun dealing with another closing task. Robin gathers his things and does as told, making his way to her office and taking a seat. He's prepared to wait in here for a while, but it's only a couple more minutes and the door is opening to reveal his aunt.

She walks around the desk and takes a seat, folding her hands. "Please don't tell me you're quitting."

Robin half smiles. Like he could ever quit this place. He gets paid pretty well for a high schooler —twelve dollars hourly. They also work really well with his school schedule and stuff. Also, she's his aunt. He doesn't know what he wants to do with his life, so until he figures it out, he's staying here.

"No. It's kind of a personal matter... I need advice." Margo looks somewhat relieved at that.

"Alright kid, hit me." She responds, seeming to relax as she leans back in her chair and starts messing with a fidget toy on her desk.

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