Chapter 11: Tell Me

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Robin has come to a decision. Jude is the best person he can talk to about his current distressing situation, so that's what he's going to do.

He knows that the guy has an IQ of like 500 or whatever, and one wrong move could ruin everything, but he's truly out of options at this point. The only thing anyone else would have to offer, would be advice or sympathy. If he confided in someone else, it would possibly help him mentally. However, talking to Jude could get something done.

Robin is aware that Jude is suspicious of him. Hell, the guy might even be catching on. However, he's decided that he's willing to take that chance.

So, after work on Wednesday, Jude agrees to pick Robin up. He's not even sure where Jude plans on taking him, but he does know that the two will be alone and Robin can talk. That's all that matters in Robin's books. Due to it being a random Wednesday, Robin gets off fairly early. He leaves his aunt's right as Jude pulls up, and upon sliding into the mustang is greeted with;

"How was work?"

"It was okay," Robin replies, and there's no way Jude can't tell he's nervous. "We were pretty slow, though."

Jude hums, and Robin just stares out the window. From the corner of his eye, Robin can see Jude glancing at him every once in a while. Robin doesn't say anything about it, though, and—surprisingly—neither does Jude.

Before long they arrive outside of Robin's house. Jude parks on the street, next to the sidewalk, and it's been a while since Jude entered the Rose residence through the front door. However, since he's with Robin, he doesn't have much of a choice. Robin hopes his parents either aren't home or are busy. He doesn't want to deal with the awkwardness that accompanies conversations between them and Jude.

See, Robin's parents don't like Jude. They used to, when they were kids, but as Jude grew up and became more rebellious and disrespectful, that sort of faded off. Then, Jude presented as an alpha. Both of Robin's parents are betas, and they never really liked alphas generally. Then, on top of that, their omega son turns out to be best friends with one. Robin is almost positive that they think the two are in some sort of relationship.

Robin and Jude are too young to get mated to anybody and not be looked down upon. Robin's parents have always been suspicious of them, though, and they also don't seem to think Jude is a very good influence anyway.

Also, Jude doesn't like them. He thinks that they are 'judgemental douchebags that don't know how to be parents' which is a direct quote.

Upon entering the house, Robin finds that his wishes were not granted. Actually, his mom is currently cooking dinner in the kitchen—which is the room directly in front of the entrance. Robin's father appears to be helping her, and he doesn't even acknowledge the teenagers.

"You're home early," The woman says, and Robin immediately wants to not be here. He hears Jude come in behind him, and sees both of his parent's expressions darken. They already weren't very thrilled about their son's appearance, so this is an accomplishment.

Neither of them say anything to Jude, thank god.

"Yeah, we were pretty slow."

Robin tries to conceal his surprise when his father speaks up. "Margo notified me that you've practiced cutting hair."

Now Mr. Rose is meeting Robin's eyes, and the omega begins to feel uncomfortable at the man's steely gaze. Yeah, his father gets quite disappointed when Robin is talented at anything deemed feminine. Robin has been practicing on their dummies, though, at the request of the stylists. They want him to be more knowledgeable so he can answer customer's questions better. Also, he thinks it's interesting—though he'd never tell his father that.

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