Chapter 25: Jude

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Robin, the next day, finally gets the courage to check his phone.

He has been avoiding it, because he's positive that Jude has tried to contact him since the incident, and he really isn't prepared to deal with it.

Except... when Robin opens his messages, he finds nothing. Well, there's a text from Margo checking on him, and one from Kat notifying him that she's out with her friend and will be home later.

However, he doesn't find a single message from Jude.

That is weird, to say the least.

Robin immediately feels extremely concerned. Like, it's unreal how wrong this feels. He's actually supposed to be at work right now,  but Margo had given him the next week off so he can... adjust. So, he's sitting alone on the floor of his bathroom at 8 pm. He is unsure why, but bathrooms have always felt safe to him. So, due to the nerves of checking his phone, he'd locked himself in here.

This makes absolutely no sense, though. There's no way Jude purposely hasn't contacted him. After they got fucking mated? Robin refuses to believe it.

Robin doesn't even bother texting Jude, instead clicking on the call button and pressing it to his ear. He's not really sure what he expected, but Jude doesn't answer. Robin calls him again, and yet again is met with no answer. Frustrated, he tracks Jude.

It shows that he's home, so...?

Okay, Robin thinks he might just lose his mind.

Robin doesn't even really think about it, to be honest. He's at the point where he's concerned, and Robin does not feel concerned very often. At least, not to this extent, and especially not towards Jude. He's always assumed his big bad alpha of a best friend could handle himself.

However, Robin takes it back. He's worried, and he's pretty sure he knows where his parents are keeping his keys, so he wastes no time. He locates said keys—in the kitchen junk drawer, unsurprisingly—and walks out to his truck. It looks like rain, and he briefly regrets not wearing a jacket.

He doesn't feel like going back, though, and instead climbs into his truck. He finds a full tank of gas, and takes a moment to thank god for Margo.

Robin starts up the vehicle, and within seconds is on his way to Jude's house. He doesn't even remember to put on music, the radio stuck on static, as he's too deep in his own head. He's never felt such a strong urge to interact with Jude.

Maybe Robin just misses him that much. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they got mated a few days ago, and haven't had contact since. Robin craves his best friend so much, especially now that he knows Jude hasn't contacted him. Robin absolutely refuses to consider the option that Jude flat doesn't want to talk to him.

Robin feels jittery the entire ride. He's nervous, because sure, Jude shows up unannounced to his house all the time. Robin, though? Robin avoids Jude's house constantly. It makes him nervous. It's big, and his parents are there, and Robin overthinks way too much for it.

Fuck it, though. Robin misses Jude. His best friend—no, his mate.

Upon arrival to the Silas residence, Robin sees several cars. He can feel his nervous heartbeat in his ears, and takes a deep breath.

It takes Robin five full minutes to finally muster up the courage to walk to the front door. Then, another two to ring the doorbell.

He's sorry, okay? He knows it would be way more interesting and romantic if he climbed through Jude's window, like the guy does to his own. However, Jude's room is on the third floor, and Robin refuses to deal with that kind of hassle. He's almost 100 percent sure he'd end up injuring himself.

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