Epilogue Pt. 1

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Robin glances up from where he'd previously been setting up for a new client. Lane rushes in his room, and she's slightly out of breath. She leans forward, resting a hand on the metal table as she composes herself. So Robin is going to have to sanitize that again.

"What?" He asks with a raised eyebrow. He's used to this girl overreacting—she's the receptionist, it's her first job, and she's constantly stressed—so he isn't particularly alarmed.

"Okay, okay, how mad—how mad would you be, if I double booked you. In an hour."

Robin frowns. Double booked him? But he checked, he only has one appointment today. In an hour, for an infinity sign on a girl's wrist. He's pretty sure she just turned eighteen, due to how generic the tattoo she wants is.

This is the first he's hearing of two appointments at the same time, though. It's unusual because he's typically very talented in finding problems with any sort of client scheduling—it is his tattoo parlor, anyway.

See, he started working at a different one as a receptionist a few months after high school. He did that for about a month before he got an apprenticeship here, a popular one in the heart of Irvine. That lasted one year, and a little over three years ago he became an actual, certified and paid tattoo artist here. The owner, Russ, always liked him. How passionate he was about tattooing and his particular knack for creating tattoo designs.

So, after the man retired, he gave the parlor to Robin, who has owned it for about a year now. Many of the other artists who have been here a while weren't all that happy about someone as new as him inheriting it. Still, he's done a great job for the most part.

Except when it comes to managing the receptionists and their scheduling habits, apparently.

"How did that even happen? I checked this morning, and the only appointment I have for today is the infinity sign." Robin isn't even mad, just confused on how this happened.


Oh. Robin has figured it out, and the look on Lane's face only solidifies it. She made that appointment today.

"You let someone make a same day appointment? You know we don't do that."

"I'm sorry!" She blurts out. "It's just—the guy on the phone said he wanted you specifically—like, by name. But and—and, I didn't know what to do! He said he really, really needed you to do it and I felt pressured because he was also kind of scary and—"

"Lane," Robin says to the sixteen year old girl, who he's almost positive is an omega. "It's fine. Just call him back and tell him you either need to reschedule or give him a different artist. I think Cassandra's 4 o'clock cancelled on her today."

Lane shakes her head rapidly, which piques Robin's curiosity. Why is she so antsy right now? She's also being weirdly adamant that Robin cancel his other appointment to do this one.

"You don't understand. He said he needed you specifically."

"Then tell him to reschedule."

"I can't! He was mean!"


"Well," Lane sighs, staring at the ground as she thinks about it. "I don't know, but he wasn't nice. Can I just reschedule infinity girl? Or give her to Cassandra?"

Robin sighs, because Lane is starting to stress him out. He goes back to his cleaning, and decides that he's done with this. "Just do what you think is necessary."

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