Chapter 12: Good Luck

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Miles said that he's going to check in with Robin by the end of the week, but Robin has no clue how. When Jude said that Robin isn't leaving his side, he fucking meant it.

It's Friday now, and Jude has kept true to his word. He waits for Robin outside his classes, walks him places, the sort. He is making damn sure Robin isn't alone, and Robin is unsure how to feel about it. Why? He feels like he's being protected, like Jude is his bodyguard or something. This is a feeling that Robin is used to hating, but for some reason... it doesn't bother him as much as before.

This concerns him.

Enjoying the protection of an alpha is an omega thing, and it's something Robin has resisted. The medicine has always aided in it as well, and he wonders why its influence is not as strong anymore.

Is it... possible to build a tolerance? If so, Robin can't help but to feel a bit scared. It would explain a lot, though.

Robin has been having a difficult time ignoring his omega instincts lately. It would explain why he's so affected by Jude's scent, why he's okay with being protected, why every time he's around the guy he feels so relaxed, why for some reason lately Jude has been the only thing on his mind, why Robin constantly just wants to submit and do what Jude says and why—

Okay, woah. Robin. Calm down.

This is what he's talking about, though. He really shouldn't be surprised. He was bound to begin to develop a tolerance at some point, he just needs to make an appointment with his doctor to figure it out.

Robin has decided he needs to be more careful, now. At least until he can raise the dosage on his medicine, he needs to really think things through. His best friend is an alpha, and he's an omega, which puts him more at risk of acting suspicious—and he really should have seen this coming but he's still caught off guard.

Avoiding Jude isn't an option, either. As stated previously, Jude isn't letting Robin out of his sight. This is becoming inconvenient, because Robin thinks it would be a good idea to talk to Miles about this whole situation, maybe even try to reason with him. Also, Robin needs to make a doctors appointment. He wants to solve this medicine issue as soon as possible.

Robin runs a hand through his hair, sitting at his kitchen table, a bowl of cereal in front of him. He has to go to school in like twenty minutes, and he's been waiting on his mom to come downstairs so he can ask her about going to the doctor.

Hang on.

Okay, so Robin sometimes forgets that he is in fact eighteen years old and can make his own appointments. He does not need his mom's permission. He's actually quite happy he realized this, because he does not like talking to his parents. Especially about anything omega related.

Robin takes out his phone and dials the doctor's office, surprised when the woman picks up and notifies him that they can fit him in tomorrow. He's not used to them making appointments for him so soon.

Either way, it makes him happy. He thanks the lady, and she requests a few more details before they hang up. It's only a couple minutes later that Jude arrives to pick him up.

The ride to school is pretty boring, the two just listening to music the entire time after exchanging greetings. Robin is pretty tired, due to not getting much sleep the past few days. At this point, maybe he should actually look into insomnia medicine. He should get his current situation sorted out first, though.

Robin has a rough time focusing during his classes, which doesn't surprise him. See, nowadays just about the only things he can think about or focus on, would be Jude and Miles.

To be more specific, the Miles situation, and the new developments between he and Jude. It's been a wild week, and he's so happy he only has today left. Then, he has to get through next week, exams, and graduation. After all that, he will finally be free.

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