Chapter 3: Conflicting Thoughts

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Robin has a part time job at his aunt's salon. He doesn't actually know how to cut hair, he works at the front desk. He's the receptionist, taking calls and dealing with customers—for the most part he makes appointments and takes complaints.

He only works about three to four days a week, usually in the last few hours before they close at 8. He likes the job, since he doesn't really have to do much. Also, when they're not busy, he can play games or talk to Jude on his phone. Sometimes Jude will visit or the hairdressers will teach him things, too.

"Bye!" Robin calls to his aunt, Margo. She gives him a distracted wave from where she's busy organizing some hair care products. He leaves out the back and walks the short distance to his house. When he enters, he hears his parents in the other room watching TV. His little sister, Kat, is probably in there as well. He just makes his way up the steps and into his bedroom, throwing his wallet and house key on the floor and changing out of his work clothes.

After he's in some comfortable clothes, he walks over to his Playstation and loads up a shooter game. He honestly doesn't plan on doing his homework until later, instead wanting to wind down and play some video games first.

It's about thirty minutes later, when Robin's phone begins ringing. He glances at it, and spots Jude's name flashing.

He presses the green button. Immediately, Jude starts talking.

"Is—Robin, hey, is your window locked?"

Robin glances at his TV screen, then presses the pause button. Robin's window is literally never locked, is that even a question?

"No. Why?"

Robin hears some grunting sounds, then his window opens. He looks over at the sound and watches as his best friend tumbles through the opening, phone falling out of his hand as he lands on the floor.

The first thing Robin notices, is that the guy looks rough. His eyes widen in surprise at the scrapes covering Jude's arms. His blue shirt has a somewhat decent amount of blood on it, and his cheek is bruising. Robin has a pretty good idea of what happened, and the thought causes a surge of irritation, but he still stands up to assist Jude in getting to a seated position on his desk chair.

Robin thinks that probably the worst part about this is that this isn't the first time Jude has shown up to his house bruised and bloody, and most likely not the last. It doesn't help that it's always for the same reason.

"What happened?" Robin asks as he dampens some paper towels from his bathroom and comes back over to Jude, beginning the process of cleaning the guy up. He already knows, and his tone betrays it. Still, Jude responds;

"Miles says hi." Robin can't help but feel irritated at Jude repeating his words from yesterday, though he honestly should have expected it.

Robin sighs. "Why?"

"You know why."

Robin tries not to feel annoyed with this guy, since he knows he has his best interest at heart. Still, Jude's hotheadedness is getting out of hand. Usually Robin can at least get through to him, but the guy flat went against his wishes and picked a fight with Miles for no reason.

"After I told you to leave it alone?"

"Robin," Jude starts as Robin begins dabbing away the semi-dried blood on his face and hands. "He needs to know not to mess with you."

"Why?" Robin asks, unable to mask the bite in his tone. "Why can't he mess with me? Why is it such a big deal?"

"Are you forgetting the time he scraped your whole arm on concrete? And almost broke your finger? The only reason he's never done worse is because I keep him in check."

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