Chapter 24: New Rules

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Robin doesn't want to go home.

Again, he has no idea if his parents know, but he's pretty sure they do. He already knows that, if they do, they're going to have a lot to say about it. Especially because it's Jude, and they haven't approved of him in years.

Margo drives him back, and upon arrival he finds his truck already there. This means that Margo most likely notified his parents and they went to pick it up.  So, yes, they definitely know.

"Good luck," Margo says, and Robin just nods. He feels jittery and he doesn't trust his voice not to give it away. He takes his time walking up to the front door, and Margo waits for him to finally enter before pulling away. He takes a deep breath upon entrance, and immediately starts to sneak up to his room. He didn't even remember to check if his parent's cars were here due to his nerves.

Robin gets about halfway up before he hears his mom's voice from the living room.

"Robin, come here."

Her voice doesn't sound happy, and Robin closes his eyes, sighing. He briefly contemplates just leaving again, but decides that that would only put off the inevitable.

Robin turns around and heads back down the stairs. He finds both his parents in the living room with the tv paused, seated together on the sofa. The recliner is free, adjacent to them, and Robin mentally prepares himself as he takes a seat.

"Margo called," Mary Rose notifies her son, who can't make eye contact. Robin really just wants to get this over with.

"Okay," Robin says, unsure what else to say. He wants this conversation to be over.

"Well, do you have an idea of what she had to say?"

"No." Robin lies, because he doesn't want to say it out loud. He doesn't want to voice the fact that he's given Jude his entire future. Sure, he'd planned on it anyway, but not... like this. He prefers taking things slow. He wanted them to just be friends, despite his stupid repressed feelings and, well, Jude's not so repressed feelings.

"You allowed Jude Silas to mate you." Charlie Rose states matter-of-factly. Robin gulps. Well, so much for stalling.

Mary purses her lips, and even if Robin was unable to see their faces right now it would still be glaringly obvious how disappointed they are.

"Yeah, well." Robin responds, trying to figure out how to respond to that. "If I didn't I'd still be in heat."

"Forgetting to take your medicine was your mistake." His mother says, still looking like she regrets having a son.

"Okay, and I fixed it." Robin replies, slightly defensive for some reason. He's starting to think that maybe he should act like he wanted this. Like getting mated to his best friend was the plan all along.

"Being in heat for a few days is nothing compared to being mated for life. That is something that you need to plan with your partner later—"

"Okay, well, we're gonna be in love forever. So." Robin states, and for some reason at saying that out loud he gets this... feeling in his stomach. Butterflies? Nerves? Excitement?


"No, you're not." Charlie Rose immediately disagrees, causing a spark of irritation within Robin. How could he possibly even know that? Just because this man is basically incapable of caring about anyone, even his own children, doesn't mean that said children are the same way. Robin has always loved Jude, it's just that now he has come to the realization it's not a platonic love.

He wonders when that changed.

"You don't know that." Robin replies, trying not to get upset. He's only gotten an attitude with his parents a handful of times, and it never ended well. It's been years since their last argument, but talking back just generally goes against his nature.

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