Chapter 21: Forgetting Something

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Robin's going to be honest, he's kind of been avoiding Jude.

He's sorry, okay? He knows he was planning on a confrontation about their feelings, but it just feels so awkward. He genuinely doesn't know how to act around his best friend anymore, because every time he's around the guy he can't help but think about it. He genuinely misses Jude, he hates it when he goes a while without seeing him, but he won't do anything about it.

Robin thinks Jude is beginning to notice, so this is becoming a problem to say the least.

Robin requests more hours at work, and the other receptionist hardly works for a while. Weeks go by with them barely seeing each other, and Robin feels sad. He thinks it's for the best, though. It's a good thing for him to stay away from Jude, he really can't risk a repeat of  The Bedroom Incident.

He regrets it so much. Not for the reasons he should, either. He should regret it because he's not interested in Jude like that. It grossed him out, it shouldn't have happened. He should regret it because they're just friends.

Instead, Robin regrets it because he wants it to happen again. He got a taste, so now he's addicted. He wants it to happen so much that he can't remember what it's like to not desire his best friend like this.

Robin is currently sitting in his bedroom. He just got off work, and it seems like those are the only two places he's been the past couple of weeks. Again, he's avoiding Jude. A couple minutes go by of Robin staring blankly at a wall before he hears his phone vibrate.

Actually, it's vibrating. Continuously. Someone's calling him. He looks at the caller ID and finds, Mom.

Weird. Robin feels disappointed, and it takes him a second to realize why. He was hoping it would be Jude. Actually, now that he thinks about it, he hasn't heard from Jude in a while.

"Yeah?" Robin answers, and the lady begins talking immediately.

"You and Kat have medicine ready," she says, and Robin refrains from rolling his eyes. He knows where this is going. "I need you to pick it up. They might not let you pick up hers, since you aren't an alpha or her guardian. If that happens call me."

That's a policy in a lot of pharmacies. That you can't pick up prescription medicine for a secondary gender other than your own. It's mostly enforced when it comes to omegas, and the whole graduation party drugging incident is the exact reason why, since Atrabide is for omegas and Miles really shouldn't have been able to access it anyway. Robin used to think the policy was kind of dumb.

He doesn't anymore.

"Okay. Anything else?"

"I'll be home late tonight. That's all."

They hang up quickly after that, Robin not pressing for any more details. He doesn't understand why he needs to pick up the medicine right now, at 9 p.m., but oh well. He grabs his keys and sandals and heads out the door.

Robin's truck is low on gas, but he doesn't feel like dealing with it right now. He makes a mental note to get gas tomorrow. The drive to the pharmacy is short, and Robin hopes he can get this over with quickly and without incident.

The lady at the counter seems nice, and Robin gives her the names. She appears a bit older, near retirement age, and she thankfully doesn't confront him about the gender thing. Most likely because the last names and addresses are the same. Even as she hands him the medicine, though, something feels off. Robin is getting about sick of this feeling, instantly in a bad mood, but he stills smiles and says goodbye to the lady.

It's seriously bothering him, though, so upon entrance to his truck, he sits down and reads the labels of the medicine.

He's not even sure why Kat needs medicine. Suppressants are more of an omega thing, especially scent blockers. So, he decides to figure out exactly what he just picked up for his mother.

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