Epilogue Pt. 3

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Jamie really does look a lot like Miles, and to say it throws Robin for a loop would be an understatement. Same dark hair, same green eyes, the only difference is the fact that he's smaller. He's still slightly taller than Kat, but Robin is caught off guard by the fact that this guy is definitely an omega. Like, 100%. Why does Robin know this?

Jamie isn't taking scent suppressants.

Well, Robin supposes, he probably doesn't have a lot to worry about. What with the rich family and scary brother—assuming Miles treats him better than he did Robin—he has more than enough protection.

Still, Robin dislikes how similar this guy is to Miles. He immediately has his guard up.

"Robin!" Kat cheers, rushing forward to hug him. He smiles and reciprocates the embrace, but he can't ignore his nerves. He doesn't like dealing with this on his own, so if Jude could get out here already that would be amazing.

Robin hasn't seen Kat in almost a year, what with his busy schedule and less than spectacular relationship with his parents. So, he is almost caught off guard by just how happy it makes him to see her. Her warm hazel eyes remind him of their youth, and her blonde hair is longer than it used to be. It's also curled, and clipped back. She looks beautiful.

Robin is having a difficult time not looking at Jamie, who seems totally fine and comfortable standing there in the hallway. Kat pulls away.

The girl looks nervous, as expected. She motions to Jamie, who meets Robin's eyes. They're almost the same height, but Jamie is a bit taller.

"Um, this is my friend." Kat says, "you know, Jamie—"

"I know Jamie," Robin says, and his tone of voice is less than thrilled with the situation. He immediately feels bad when he sees Kat wince. Shit. To try and redeem himself, he reaches out to shake the teenager's hand.

Jamie does so as well, and smiles at him. "Nice to meet you again."

Robin tries to smile back, but it doesn't work out very well. He moves out of the way and motions them in, hyper aware of everything. Kat and Jamie are holding hands.

Fuck! No, Jude isn't right. He can't be.

They've always held hands. Even when they were younger, when they travelled anywhere, they would grasp onto each other. Whether it was Kat grabbing his arm or him grabbing her hand, it's something they've always done.

So it could totally be platonic. They've always done that!

"You can just take a seat at the table," Robin notifies them. "I'm gonna go find Jude."

Robin exits the room, walking down the hallway to his—their—bedroom. Robin moved in with Jude, so it's been an adjustment. The biggest thing to get used to was the alpha scent, but since it's been mixed with Robin's, it's not too bad.

Robin enters their room and finds Jude sitting on the bed. He's on the phone, in the middle of zipping up his pants. Robin raises an eyebrow, freezing in the doorway. Ugh, now he has to wait for Jude to be finished.

Surprisingly the phone call does actually end quickly after, since it appears as though it was just someone at work with a simple question. When Jude is finally off the phone, Robin walks over so he's standing in front of him. He crosses his arms, before informing Jude, "it's Jamie."

"I know," Jude replies. He stands up, and Robin goes from looking down to looking up at him. He just frowns.

"They're in the kitchen," Robin continues, and Jude nods.

"Okay. Let's go."

Robin squints at him, feeling irritated for no reason. Before they exit, Jude has one last thing to say. "Be nice to him. He's not Miles."

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