Chapter 20: Differences

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"J-Jude..." Robin stutters. He's still refusing to make eye contact. What the hell is he supposed to do right now? He is freaking the fuck out, alarms going off in his head as he wonders where to go from here. What's going to happen between them now? Their friendship is changed forever, but in what way?

For better or for worse, it's one or the other, and Robin is leaning towards the latter.

Jude hums, and it takes Robin a second but he finally looks up to meet his best friend's eyes. His best friend. Robin has always cared so much about their friendship, and now it'll never be the same.

Well, maybe... maybe Robin can try to go back to how things were. He can ignore the way his heart is beating fast and his cheeks are flushed and he can ignore this hopeless attraction towards his best friend. They have to be friends. If this turns romantic, then things could go bad so fast. Relationships rarely last forever, but friendships have much more potential.

Robin needs Jude in his life. He can't risk this.


"That didn't happen." Robin says, looking Jude in the eyes. The guy immediately raises an eyebrow, but nothing else about his expression changes.


"That," Robin says, beginning to climb off of Jude. The guy lets him, and before Robin knows it he's on his feet, slowly backing away from the bed. "Whatever that was—"

"A kiss."

Robin ignores the way his face gets even redder at Jude voicing what just transpired between them. "That kiss never happened. That... it never... why—Jude, why would you do that?"

"'Cause I wanted to."


"You're very kissable."

Robin runs a hand through his hair, feeling unbelievably stressed. Why did that happen? Why would Jude do that? There's got to be more to it than Robin being kissable. Jude is also kissable, but it's not like Robin's going to fuck up their friendship over it.

"This is so bad," Robin says, staring at the floor. "It's never gonna be the same, we're never going to—no, we have to go back. That never happened. That didn't happen. It won't happen."

"What do you mean?" Jude asks, and Robin hears footsteps coming towards him. "Did you not want me to kiss you?"

Robin glances up, Jude stopping a couple feet away. He crosses his arms and looks down at Robin in curiosity. He honestly appears to be confused.

Robin doesn't know how to answer that. So, he settles on lying. "No. Uh... I hated it."

"Really?" Jude asks, and Robin feels like this guy can see right through him. Jude obviously isn't buying it. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but you participated."

"I was just confused!" Robin defends, glaring at Jude. "I knew we should've stayed away from each other today, I knew, I know... I should've been a beta. I'm too instinctual."

"Let me get this straight," Jude says, taking a step towards Robin. "You think that happened purely because of our secondary genders?"

"Yes." Robin says. Why else? "We're biologically compatible. It's difficult to... resist."

Jude hums, and then he's right in front of Robin. He cups Robin's cheek and asks, "so you'd have reacted the same if I was Miles?"

That makes Robin halt, and he tries to think of a response. Miles is absolutely repulsive to Robin, but Jude on the other hand... well, Robin has made it clear how he feels about Jude Silas. 

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