Chapter 15: Robin

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Surprisingly, the events of Saturday do end up helping with Robin's stress, at least in terms of the Miles situation and the fear of his best friend hating him over something he can't control. His mom takes care of Kat, and from what he can tell everything is going alright on that front. She should be getting her first rut within the next couple days.

The weekend goes by quickly, though, Robin feeling more at ease than he has in a while. Once Monday comes, though, he starts to wonder how Jude will go about this.

Persuading Miles is not an easy task, and Robin has no idea how Jude is about to do this. Robin feels like his general situation has gotten better, but he suspects it could easily get even worse than it was before. It all depends on how today goes.

"So when are you gonna talk to him?" Robin asks as they drive to school. He feels nervous, and it's solely because he's around Jude, and he has no idea why.

"Probably after school." Jude replies. "You can walk to work, right? It's just down the block?"

Robin actually doesn't have work today, even though he typically does on Mondays, and normally he would tell Jude that. For some reason, though, he doesn't. He has no idea why. Instead he just says, "yeah."

Jude nods. "After school, then."

Robin tries to figure out why he just did that. His house is about a thirty minute walk from here, so why in the world did he lie? How does it benefit him in any way? It takes a minute for it to hit him. Robin realizes he was subconsciously planning to evesdrop.

Robin can already tell that's probably a bad idea, but now that he thinks about it, it is quite appealing. Jude seems pretty confident in his ability to resolve this, so Robin is somewhat curious on how he plans to do it. Robin has not been able to get through to the guy at all, Miles' demands are just so ridiculous and impossible. Robin wants to know how this will go.

"How's Kat?" Jude asks, and Robin glances over at the guy. He immediately looks forward when he finds Jude's eyes already on him.

"She's okay. We think she'll get her rut soon." Robin responds, and the mention of ruts reminds him of...

Robin, stop! Pull yourself together. Stop thinking about shit like that, you have a friendship to keep normal.

"Your mom'll probably handle all that." Jude replies, and Robin nods absentmindedly. His mom handled his presentation, so it only makes sense that she'd deal with Kat's as well. Robin does wish his father would be a bit more involved, but oh well.

Upon arrival to the school, they follow their normal routine. They go to their first period classes, walk to second period together, and eat with each other at lunch. Once Robin is in his final class of the day, he can't help but feel nervous. He glances over at Miles sometimes, and every time he does, the guy is already looking at him. It's starting to make him nervous.

Eventually he reaches the point where he won't look away from his computer screen, despite not having much to do. The only assignment today is some sort of review, and he's barely done any of it. He was able to download some of his games at the beginning of the semester, and since his computer faces away from the teacher, he can play said video games during class time and get away with it. This is what he primarily does in this class on a normal day, and this last week will be no different.

So, Robin plays games until the end of the school day. He gathers up his things once the bell rings, and looks up just in time to see Miles walk out the door. Swearing under his breath, he shoves the rest of his stuff in his bag haphazardly and walks as fast as he can towards the door without raising suspicion. He almost makes it, too, but then he hears his teacher's voice;

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