Chapter 17: Shouldn't Have

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Robin ignores Jude the rest of the week. It is extremely difficult, but he has a message he wants to get across. He needs Jude to know he's serious. Robin doesn't even go to school on Friday, instead staying home and wondering if he's overreacting about this.

He decides that he may be. However, he also comes to the conclusion that he doesn't care enough to stop. He's upset, and he doesn't feel trusted, and he hates it when he and Jude get distant like this. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, everything feels wrong.

Jude does try to contact him sometimes, but Robin doesn't answer. He's able to stick it out pretty well, but he also knows that his resolve could break any minute. He doesn't do well without his best friend, and with each passing minute it's catching up with him. He's almost happy that Jude isn't really fighting him on this, because if he did, Robin would break so fast. He would give in, there's no doubt about it.

Anyway, Robin spends the entirety of Friday feeling lonely and second guessing all the decisions he's made this week. From ignoring Jude to agreeing to mate with Miles, he feels like he's making all the wrong choices. Still, he's not sure what else he could've done. Maybe there is a solution he's not seeing, but he's done his best with the time he was given.

Robin is currently sitting on his bed, playing a new shooter game. He's not really focused on it, and is doing pretty average as a whole. His mind is elsewhere, as mentioned before, and it's been elsewhere for three days.

Still, Robin can't give in. He's got to see this through. Robin always ends up being the one to admit defeat. This time, he can't let Jude win—

Robin jumps when he hears his phone begin buzzing, Jude's name flashing on the screen. It's actually pathetic how quickly he puts down his controller and grabs his phone, answering before the second ring.


"I'm outside." Robin hears Jude's voice, and it's sad how happy it immediately makes him. Stop it, Robin! You're mad!

Robin can see the reflection of Jude's headlights in his window. "Okay...?"

"I'm pulling out of your driveway in five minutes."

"Good." Robin says, even as he shuts down his console. "I don't want to see you."

"I doubt that."

"I don't." Robin insists, but it's beyond obvious that he doesn't mean it. Jude knows that, too. Jude knows Robin. "Go away."

"Okay," Jude says. "Four minutes."

Jude hangs up, and Robin just sits on his bed. He drops the phone from his ear and stares at the floor, conflicted. He knows what he wants to do.

He can't, though. Right? He can't give in, no matter how much he wants to. Jude keeping things from him is not something he should let slide so easily, especially when the guy trusts Miles with said secrets. Especially when Jude pressured him about revealing his secondary gender. Robin has got to stick this one out. He's going to. He will sit in this bed and ignore the fact that Jude is parked outside.

Three minutes.

Come on, Robin. You can do this. You're strong enough. Jude needs to know he can't just show up to your house and expect you to give in, to let him kidnap you and go do... whatever it is he plans to do.

Two minutes.

Robin misses him, though. He misses Jude's smile and his scent and he misses spending time with him. Robin misses his best friend.

One minute.

Fuck it. Robin stands up and walks over to his dresser, slipping on his shoes. He grabs his phone, his wallet, and his keys, then exits his bedroom. He tries not to rush down the stairs and out the door, but it's to no avail. He's obviously in a hurry.

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