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Okay, somehow chapter 3 disappeared, so here it is!

If starting at the beginning you guys will have to read one and two and then move all the way down to three.

SORRY!!!!! ;(

"Our secret."

My heart leapt as he grabbed me and pulled me close, crushing his lips against mine.

He pulled back after a while and laid his forehead on mine, our breathing synchronized. "Elena...you better be good at keeping secrets. At least for now."

I responded with a kiss and he immediately returned the favor fiercely and backed me up until the backs of my knees hit the edge of the bed. I collapsed on it and Damon hovered over me.

Suddenly, I shoved him away. He looked at me confused, but I touched his cheek in reassurance. "Damon, Stefan is going to show up soon. He always does." He sighed, leaned down to place a kiss on my forehead, and got off the bed.

He glanced at me again, his eyes burning with a fire that heated my soul. "Until tomorrow, angel."

After he had gone, I went to take a shower and change into different pajamas so that Stefan wouldn't catch his brother's scent on me. Quickly, I changed the sheets and lounged in bed, trying to look as relaxed and normal as possible despite the emotions swirling around inside of me.

I heard a tap on my window and went to open it. Stefan gracefully slid inside and pulled me into his arms. I forced myself to push any thoughts of Damon out of my head and focus only on Stefan. I leaned back until I could see his face, his hands supporting me at his waist so that I wouldn't fall.

He truly was beautiful with his tousled dirty blonde hair and sparkling hazel eyes. Damon, though, was absolutely gorgeous in a dangerous, sexy way with his perfectly messy black hair, sculpted body, and hypnotizingly blue eyes.

I blinked, remembering whose arms I was in. I smiled and stood on my tip toes to give him a peck on the lips. He tangled his hand in my hair and left the other on the small of my back. Stefan brought his lips back down onto mine and kissed me with an intensity that took my breath away.

He laid me down on the bed and began kissing me again. Soon, I could feel my eyelids drooping and Stefan chuckled softly. I could feel him lay down next to me and I snuggled into his chest.

Gradually, I became aware of the sun streaming through the window and a strong arm wrapped securely around my waist. I peeked through my eyelashes and soaked in the dark beauty of his face. He was staring at the ceiling, but then he looked down at me.

I stretched upwards to reach his lips and he gave me a half-smile before kissing me back. "Goodmorning, angel." I smiled sleepily. "Goodmorning, Damon. Where's Stefan?" Damon sighed and got off the bed. "He's off hunting bunny rabbits." I stood up too and walked around the bed to face him. "Before he comes back we need to figure out what this is." Damon nodded and traced his finger down my cheek. "This is us, Elena, together. For all of eternity. I promise."

He pulled me in for a hug and for a moment, we just stood there, his chin on my hair and my face buried in his chest. After another second had passed, Damon moved away and sat on the bed. "Get dressed, Elena. We have a date with the werewolves tonight." I gave him a confused glance to which he only smiled, so I went to the bathroom to shower.

Once I was done, I walked back into my room and over to Damon, who was poking around in my dresser. I smacked his hand. "Damon!" He grinned at me and I melted. He was unreal. I shook my head to clear it and crossed my arms. "Damon. Werewolves?" He chuckled. "Yes, Elena. Tonight's the full moon."

My heartbeat immediately picked up in pace. "But, why? They're not our problem. Klaus is." He turned and walked towards the window. "No, but I know that they're part of it somehow and I want answers."

I ran up to him and grabbed his wrist. "Damon, they could kill you!" He faced me again, resolve freezing the liquid blue of his eyes. "They won't be able to get close enough to. I won't leave you, Elena." He kissed my forehead and then climbed onto the window sill. Damon turned to me once more.

"Anod besides, it's only one werewolf, not a pack." He dropped out of sight and I could hear a soft thud as he landed on the ground. I bit my lip. One werewolf meant Tyler Lockwood. I grabbed my cellphone. "Caroline? We need to talk. I'll be at your house in ten."

When I got there, Caroline let me in and we went to sit in the living room. She looked at the expression on my face. "Elena? What is it?" I met her eyes. "Caroline, tonight's the full moon." She nodded and I could see suspicion beginning to appear on her face. "Where is Tyler going to change?" She took a deep breath. "Where he always does and I will be there with him, Elena."

I nodded. "I know and I want you to be there, Caroline. I'm just warning you that Damon and I will be there too." She gasped. "Elena! Why? Tyler hasn't done anything!" I laid my hand on her arm. "No, not for that erason, Caroline. We're just trying to figure out some things and Damon thinks that he'll find something out through Tyler." Caroline had lost the panicked expression, but it was replaced with a wary one.

"I don't know, Elena. Can we really trust Damon?" I immediately threw my defenses up. "Of course we can!" She raised her hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, calm down. It's just habit. He hasn't exactly given me reason to trust him." I coughed, trying to get myself under control.

"Well, I know we can trust him, so you're just going to have to deal with that." Her eyes widened slightly. "Okay, jeez, Elena." I sighed. "I'm sorry, Caroline. I just have a lot on my mind right now." She hugged me. "It's okay."

As I was about to leave, I turned once more to her. "And, Caroline? Don't tell Tyler." I walked out the door before she could protest and drove to the boardinghouse. Stefan was there, but Damon wasn't. I was disappointed, but I tried to hide it.

I wasn't sure how long I could keep up this act. That's what it was now. An act. Around Stefan, I was pretending to be normal, living in a little fantasy world. But with Damon, I could embrace who I truly was. His princess of darkness.

Stefan smiled and walked towards me. "Goodmorning, love." He pulled me into his arms. "I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up." I shook my head, playing with my hair absently. "It's fine, Stefan. You haven't fed in forever." He lifted my chin with two fingers so that I had to meet his eyes. "Elena, what's wrong?" My eyebrows lifted. "Nothing's wrong, Stefan.  When will Damon be here?"

Stefan's beautiful eyes darkened and I knew he was picking up on my eagerness to see his brother. I touched his cheek. "Stefan, he has soemthing-a plan-to fill you in on." Stefan glanced at me, the door, and then back to me again. "And why can't you tell me?"

I forced myself to give him a sly grin. "Because my lips are busy." I brought my mouth up to his and he kissed me back with a ferocity that almost scared me. I pulled away, gasping as he placed little kisses down my neck. Suddenly, the air thickened with tension and a voice broke through my haze.

"Well, don't let me stop you."

I tried to draw away from Stefan, but he refused to release me from his grip. His eyes were black; he was losing control. I shoved at his chest and turned to look at Damon whose eyes were cold and flat. "Please, continue."

Sorry again about this chapter disappearing, but it's better now!! :)

Let me know what you think!!

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