Chapter 35

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"Going after Elena? Bad move. You leave her alone, or I will rip you to bits."

"Gotta run. I've got a murder to plan. Busy day."

Sorry if quotes repeat :/ I forget which ones I've already done!

Elena's POV:

That questioning tone killed me. That tone made me feel guilty for almost drinking from him and for letting him die. "Matty! No!" I screamed and fell to the ground by his body. "No, no, no!"

Faintly, I noticed that Stefan had crouched down next to me. "Hold onto the pain, the anger. Channel it. Feel the humanity in your emotions. Turn it back on." I could feel the tears well up and I almost let them spill over.


But then I looked up and caught sight of Damon standing off to the side, framed by the truck's headlights. Dark, arrogant, and sexy. No emotion on his face, no remorse.


Slowly, I stood up. "It hasn't even been twenty-four hours since you killed my brother and now you decided to kill one of my best friends? What a jerk move." I started to walk back to my car, but then turned to face the brothers again.

"And the only reason I'm going home right now instead off on a killing rampage is that ring on my dear friend's finger. Nice try, though, boys."

I slid back into the driver's seat and tore home, wiping the angry tears from my face the whole way. I know the Salvatore brothers wanted me to the my brothers wanted me to turn my humanity back on, but did they really think that killing one of my best friends was going to help that situation?

Damon's POV:

I sent Stefan ahead of me to meet Elena at home while I waited for Matt to wake up. Finally, he stirred and opened his eyes. I smirked half-heartedly. "Good morning, sunshine." Matt sat up, rubbing the back of his head. "So?" I shook my head and helped him to his feet. "Thanks for giving it a shot." Matt sighed heavily. "So, what's Plan B then?"

I jumped into the driver's seat of his truck and waited until he had gotten into the passenger side. "We are going to pull off a hoax that would make Harry Houdini proud."

Stefan's POV:

I knew what Damon's next plan was and it was going to be a long shot. Nobody could make any mistakes. It had to be carried out perfectly or it would all backfire. As I ran home, I mentally went through the steps of our plan.

Step 1: Sedate Elena and lock her up.

Step 2: Well, we have to get through Step 1 first.

Step 1 was and even though I knew it had to be done, I still felt bad about doing it. I mean, this was still Elena. The Elena I still cared so deeply for was in there somewhere, so I still felt terrible for being so cruel to her.

I arrived home shortly after Elena and when I walked in, she was pouring herself a glass of bourbon. "Stefan," she said, "long time no see." I walked up behind her and surprisingly, she didn't move. "Putting the moves on me, Stef?" she joked. "I'm sorry, Elena," I whispered and then plunged a syringe filled with vervain into her side.

She fell limp into my waiting arms and I carried her down into the basement. I strapped her down to the hospital bed we had gotten in case Plan A didn't work and then inserted a vervain IV into her arm to keep her in a comatose state. That way, as she starved, she wouldn't be aware of it or how much time had passed. I left the room and locked the door behind me.

Damon came back to find me staring at Elena through the small window. "So, what's next?" I asked without looking at him. Damon leaned casually on the stone wall, but I noticed that he wouldn't look at Elena. "Well, now we wait until she mummifies. Once that happens, we take her off the vervain and feed her some blood-just enough to wake her up-but make sure the cooler is fully stocked because that's the first place she'll go. Then she will go upstairs looking for us and we are just who she'll find."

Let me know what you think!!!!


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