Chapter 10

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"That's for me to know and you to dot dot dot."

"Try the sock drawer. People leave the sketchiest things in the sock drawer."

He reached over to his leather jacket that had been thrown on the floor the night before and drew out a sleek dagger.

He held it up with a questioning look. "I wonder if if it would be different if the blood were straight from the vein." My heart started beating faster and I nodded quickly. He set the dagger down on the end table and pushed the hair gently off my neck. I let my head fall back and exposed my throat. Damon pressed his lips to my neck and I could feel his extended canines straining against my skin. After the initial sting of it, cam a rush of pleasure. To my surprise, he drank my blood, but not too much and with a careful control that told me that he didn't have the bloodlust a vampire would have expressed.

After another second, he withdrew and then grabbed the dagger, using it to nick the base of his throat. I raised an eyebrow. "How...Romeo and Juliet." He smirked and then brought my head close to his chest and I placed my lips around the bleeding cut. With his blood running through my veins and mine coursing through his, our minds were so in synch that I could read his memories and I knew he could see mine.

Abruptly, I was pulled to the center of Damon's soul. There was a small child there; a carbon copy of Damon. He was chained by the ankle to a huge, dark granite rock and he was trembling. I immediately went to the child and pulled him into my arms. He looked up at me in wonder. "Elena!" I rocked him back and forth. "That's me. Why does Damon keep you here like this?" The little boy pointed to the stone. "I'm the Keeper of Secrets. He keeps me here so that all the bad things stay in there." I gazed at his innocent face, not yet scarred by life's battles.

"The Keeper of Damon's Secrets?" He nodded and bit his blue lip. "It's so cold out here though. Damon used to let me in sometimes, but now he keeps even me out." I flinched, Damon was punishing this boy-himselfl-for all of his wrong doings, but then I covered up my sadness with a smile.

"Let's try to break the stone, you and me, okay?" The little boy's eyes sparkled; so like Damon's. "Okay!" I closed my eyes. "Now, you close your eyes too." The child obeyed and we sat there together, concentrating fully on the boulder until finally, there was a loud crack and the ground shook. My eyes flew open in time to see a piece of granite fly off of the stone. The child looked at me with a huge smile on his face, a smile that warmed my bones. "We did it, Elena!" I laughed. "Yes, we did!" There was a brilliant light eminating from the hole we had made in the rock and I pushed the little Keeper of Secrets gently towards it. "Go and warm up." He looked up at me and gave me a hug. "Thank you, Elena!" He ran into the hole and it shined so bright that I had to close my eyes.

And in that same instant, I heaerd a child's laugh.

There was a peaceful moment of stillness and then the wind began to blow. I was flung backwards and the light behind my eyelids disappeared. My eyes flew open to see Damon on his knees at the foot of the bed with his hands wrapped around his middle and his eyes huge. "Elena, what have you done?"

What did Elena do exactly??

Let me know what you think PLEASE!! :) 

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