Chapter 29

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Sorry it's been so long again, but I've been writing lots!! :)

"Our life is one big proverbial coin toss."

"Yes, I've become you. How tragic for both of us. Gotta run. Have a murder to plan. Busy day."

**a week later**

Bonnie's pov:

"Just try, Elena!" I swallowed past the fire in my throat. "I can't, Bonnie! I literally can't!" Bonnie grabbed my face between her hands. "I can't drink from you, your witchy subconscious won't let me drink from Jeremy, and Tyler is a hybrid." My eyes closed on their own accord and I had to physically force them open again. "There are no humans or vampires anywhere around here. Do the math." Bonnie turned her head away, pained at my words, but I felt no remorse.

She wasn't the one wasting away.

"Maybe I can help." My eyes widened and I turned my head towards the male voice. "Stefan?"

Stefan's pov:

The first thing I remembered was waking up on a sandy beach with Katherine's daylight bracelet clenched in my hand. She had died. As soon as I turned my feelings back on, her bracelet fell off her wrist and she burned into a pile of ashes. I don't know why, but I do know that I was crushed.

I had loved her.

Voices came from a little ways inside the forest and I made my way into what I found out was a little clearing. There was a decent shelter and a fire going and a dark haired woman lying on the ground. For a second, I froze.

Had Katherine come back somehow? But then I saw Bonnie and Jeremy and I knew that it was Elena. Her skin was grey and veins were beginning to form. It looked like she hadn't had blood for however long they had been here and her temporary end was near. I stepped forward, offering my help, and saw her eyes widen like she had seen a ghost.

"Stefan?" I approached her slowly, biting my wrist, and holding it up to her lips. "Drink, Elena." She was so weak that she couldn't even raise her head, so I lifted it for her, supporting her so that she could drink her fill. The color in her face started to return and she became radiant again."Thank you, Stefan, but how did you get here?" I frowned, knowing that the creases between my brows were appearing. "Honestly, I have no idea. After Katherine...."

I trailed off, the memory of her screams fresh. "I'll be...around."

Elena's pov:

Stefan wandered off for the rest of the day and Bonnie and I were left to ponder how he had appeared on our deserted island. The next morning, Stefan appeared and without a word, tilted his neck to the side.

I backed off, feeling uncomfortable with the intimacy of his offer. He gave me a small smile. "Elena, don't worry. I know what I am to you now and I'm okay with that. I just want you to be happy." I nodded hesitantly. "Okay...." I wrapped my hand around the opposite side of Stefan's neck and bit carefully into his major artery. I moaned quietly at the taste of it. Vampire blood even topped human blood. Vaguely, I felt Stefan's arms wrap around my waist, holding me still, and I knew that I had him in a vise grip as well.

I felt Stefan tap me on the shoulder and opened my eyes, knowing that I would have to stop. What caught my eye just on the edge of the trees nearly broke my heart in two.

Shirtless and completely soaked, stood Damon Salvatore.

The one that I loved.

The brother of the man I held in my arms.

Damon's pov:

She had her arms wrapped around him like he was the only one in the world that she wanted to be with. And she was drinking from him. Sharing blood was something vampires only did when they felt especially connected to each other.

My eyes glazed over, separating me from this heartbreak, and I began to walk back to the beach when she caught my arm. "Damon!" I spun around and she jumped on me, hugging me tightly with the arms that were just wrapped around my brother. She hung on me for a moment before she realized that I had made no move to hug her back. "I was dying, Damon. I couldn't move, could barely talk. Stefan was just helping me out. As a friend. And he's grieving, Damon. Katherine died."

I ran my hands through my hair and rested them on the top of my head. "But, Elena. You're mine, now. Not his!" She put her hands on my cheeks.

"Yes, Damon. I'm all yours." Elena grabbed my hand and tugged. "Let's go back with the others." Stefan was standing near the shelter doorway and as Elena walked by to get a shirt for me, he moved aside, touching her back lightly. I was in his face in an instant, my fingers wrapped around his throat.

"Hands off, brother." Stefan pushed me off of him, something that he could only do since I had been out at sea for almost a week, blood. My lip curled at the thought and I grabbed onto Stefan again. "She's not yours anymore, you know that."

He shoved me backwards, his hazels eyes darkening. "Well, Katherine is conveniently dead, so next best thing, right?" I growled and took a step towards him. He did not just call Elena second best. He grabbed my shoulder and smiled. "I'm going to rip your heart out, brother."

Off to the side, I heard Elena scream. "No, Stefan, don't!" I saw his arm move and then a brunette head invaded my vision.

I heard the all too familiar sound of a heart being ripped from flesh and looked down, expecting to see Stefan's hand in my chest, but I didn't.

Instead, I saw Elena crumpling like a rag doll. Shocked, I raised my eyes to Stefan, who's eyes were wide. "You killed her."

My voice was like death.




"You killed Elena." Bonnie ran forward and dragged Stefan away, mumbling something about bringing Katherine back so that he could leave and the last thing I heard as I stared at Elena's face was the thud as her heart hit the ground.

She was still beautiful.

Looked like she was just going to wake up and smile at me like she always did. But the heart lying a few feet away was proof that she wasn't going to.

Eventually, I became aware that Bonnie was sitting quietly next to me. "Tyler left. Probably to try to find Caroline. I brought Katherine back again and her and Stefan ran away. Jeremy is still here." I dragged my eyes up to Elena's best friend. "It's all over now, you realize that right? There's no point."

Bonnie looked down at Elena's body. "No point to what, Damon?" I tucked a piece of dark hair behind Elena's ear.

"Living. If that's what you want to call what I'm doing. Death. Anything. There's no point to anything."

So sad!!!! Sorry!!!!! Let me know what you, comment, fan!!


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