Chapter 5

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Sorry it's taken so long! I have no time :(

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Tears were catching in my eyelashes. Werewolf bites were fatal to vampires. "Yes, Damon. We can go home." I put my arm tightly around his waist and together we made our way slowly back to the boardinghouse. The second we reached the door, Damon's legs gave out and he collapsed, taking me down with him. I pulled his head into my lap and paused for a moment to look at his face. It was as white as death itself and his eyes were closed against the world. Suddenly, an eerie calm washed over me. This was not Damon. Damon Salvatore was not this vulnerable, helpless creature. I screamed. "Stefan! Anybody! Help!" I whipped out my phone, my fingers shaking. Stefan picked up almost immediately and my heartbeat slowed slightly at the sound ofo his familiar voice on the other end of the phone. "Elena What is it? What's wrong?" I was hyperventilating now. "It's Damon! Come now!" I could hear the wind rushing past the mouthpiece of the phone as I hung up.

Tears were dripping down my cheeks and onto Damon's  face.I rested my hand on his translucent cheek. "Damon." His eyelids flickered faintly, "Damon?" An idea sparked in my mind. I searched around for something sharp and found a stray rock. I sliced my wrist without even flinching and held it to Damon's lips so that the blood poured out into his mouth. He began to swallow repeatedly and hope started to rise slowly in my chest. All of a sudden there was an arm wrapped around my waist, dragging me to a half-standing position. "Elena. Stop. You're going to bleed to death." Stefan tore a strip off the bottom of my shirt and wound it tightly around my bloody wrist.

"Stefan, it's a werewolf bite! Tyler bit him." I began gasping. "He's going to die! We have to help him!" Stefan let me go and crouched by his brother's head. He turned Damon onto his side so that he could inspect the bite. I glanced over as he drew in a quick breath. The wound had spead so that it covered Damon's entire shoulder. "Elena, we need to get Damon in the house." As Stefan tried to move him, Damon's eyes flew open. "Elena? Where is she? Elena!" I put my face into his line of vision. "I'm right here, Damon. Right here." He struggled to sit up and then unsteadily rose to his feet. I stood up with him and touched his arm while looking over at Stefan who nodded and placed Damon's arm around his shoulder. "Let's go inside, shall we, Damon?" I walked in behind them and into Damon's room. To my surprise, it wasn't what I anticipated. I expected dark curtains and sleek furniture, but it was rather homey with its shades of brown. Stefan settled Damon on his side in the bed. However, the second Stefan stepped back, Damon began to attempt to get out of bed. His eyes were wild and he looked feverish. "Elena! Where is she?: He caught sight of Stefan, flew over to him, and snarled. "What have you done to her?" I quickly moved to Stefan's side, facing Damon, and forced myself to sound calm. "Damon, I'm right here. Nobody's hurting me. I'm fine." I grabbed his arm and led him back to his bed. He laid back down, but refused to let me leave his side. Sweat beads were beginning to form on his hairline, so I patted his forehead with a cloth that Stefan had handed me. When I pulled back, Damon grabbed my hand and held it to his cheek. "Don't leave me, Elena. Please." My throat started to close and tears filled my eyes. "Of course, I won't Damon. I'll never leave you." His eyes flickered shut and he took a slow breath. I turned to look at Stefan and found him staring at me. "Stefan, we have to figure out a way to save him." He nodded, his eyes pained. As he headed towards the door, I heard his voice in my head. "I can't lose him either, Elena. I can't."

He shut the door behind him and for just a moment, I stood completely still and closed my eyes. "The world began to spin and I could feel myself slipping, losing control. I quickly opened my eyes and crawled onto the bed and laid next to Damon. I put my arms around him and tucked his head underneath my chin. We sat there for a while until I heard Damon speak, his voice rough. "Elena?" I tightened my arms around him. "Yes?" He took a shallow breath and began speaking rapidly. "I want you to be happy, okay, Elena? You need to move on and stay with Stefan. Forget about me, but remember that I loved you." My heart started to beat faster. "No, you are not saying goodbye! I won't let you!" Damon opened his eyes and I was struck again by how mesmerizingly blue they were. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. He lifted his hand and touched my tears. "No, don't cry, angel. It's better this way." I bit my lip to keep back a sob. "No, it's not, Damon. You will not die! Stefan will figure something out!" He smiled faintly. "I love you so much, Elena." I was sobbing openly now. "You can't die, Damon!" He frowned, his eyebrows pushed together. "It doesn't hurt anymore. Don't worry about me." His eyelids drifted shut and deep down I knew that I would never get lost in them again. Something inside me snapped and I leaned down to place my lips first on Damon's lips and then on his forehead. "I love you too, Damon. Forever."

I rearranged myself so that my head rested on his chest and I could pretend to listen to a ragged heartbeat that wasn't there. I felt myself drift off to sleep and suddenly, I was lying in a field with the sun warming my face. I sat up and smiled. Damon was facing away from me and he stood strong, power eminating outward. He turned around to meet my eyes and then leaned down to kiss me. When he drew back, a sad expression filled his face. "Damon, what's wrong?" He just smiled wistfully. "Goodbye, angel." A sudden gust of wind caused my eyes to close and once the wind subsided, I became aware that I was back in Damon's bed.

All of a sudden, Damon's breathing stuttered and then stopped. For just a second, the world froze. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I wasn't prepared for this! My head flew up, my heart dropped, and I started screaming. "Damon! Damon!" I grabbed his shoulders and shook him, but his head just fell back, limp. His face looked so peaceful, so young. "Damon, you will not leave me!" Suddenly, a blur flew across the room and stopped next to me. Stefan. His eyes held barely-concealed grief and in his hand he held a vial of blood. He uncorked the bottle and reached over to pour it in Damon's mouth. "He's not breathing, Stefan!" Stefan continued to pour the blood down his throat, but his voice floated into my head. "It will work, Elena. It has to work." Eventually, all the blood was emptied into Damon's mouth. Stefan recorked the vial and then sighed heavily. "Is he going to be okay, Stefan?" He looked at me with sad eyes. "I hope so." Suddenly he reached over and crushed me to his chest. "Goodbye, Elena."

Let me know what you think!! :)

Will the blood work?

Who's blood was it?

Where's Stefan going?

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