Chapter 25

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So so so so sorry for not updating in so long but it's been really crazy lately and time just gets away from me!!!!!

Vote, Comment, Fan!! :)

I would like to dedicate this chapter to @bluemoondaze1 because they were my first ever followers other than a number of my personal friends!! So thank you much! :)

"Life sucks when you're ordinary. And what makes you exactly not like them? You're a vampire. You take that cure and become human? You're no one, nothing."

"Life sucks. Get a helmet."

I frowned, tracing my fingers around her neckline. Where was her necklace? She hadn't been wearing it all week and Elena always wore her necklace. I looked up into her dark eyes, seeing something flickering there, almost hidden. Not love, not respect, not passion, but mischief.

Slowly, I removed my hand and pushed her off of me, sitting up. "Katherine?"

Elena's POV:

When the hand was removed from my face, I felt my eyes widen, trying to take in all the darkness around me. There was next to no light, but my newly heightened vision enabled me to distinguish shadows from shadows.

I was kept in my little dark world for-as many as I could tell-about five days. I didn't know where Damon was, I didn't know why he hadn't found me yet, I didn't know who had taken me, but I did know that I had missed the summer solstice by a long shot.

On the fifth day, I heard a rustling to my right and I jumped, my heart racing.

Someone had een in here with me the whole time. It had to be a vampire; only we could stay still for that long. I swallowed hard. "Who are you?"

I heard a familiar chuckle. "Who do you think, love?" My heart sank. "Stefan. Why did you take me?" I could just barely pick up his light sigh. "You don't love him, Elena. I know you don't. He was just there for you when I had to leave. He was your rebound. You don't love him."

I chewed on my bottom lip, trying to think of a way to tell the truth without making him angry. "Stefan....I love you. But, I love Damon too. Just in different ways. He is the one I want to be with."

Stefan laughed-such a careless laugh-and I heard a click. My heart practically jumped out of my chest. Did he have a gun? "No, you don't. I will make you see." Suddenly, I was plunged into light from a lantern-that was the click of the switch-and Stefan's nose came into view practically touching mine.

I flinched, but clenched my teeth so that I wouldn't scream, I wouldn't show weakness. His eyes widened and I instinctively touched my neckline, feeling for my vervain necklace.

It wasn't there.

I watched his pupils enlarge almost so that the hazel was gone and then shrink to a pinpoint, staring straight into my soul, and I knew I was losing control of myself. Stefan was going to be able to do whatever he wanted to.

I was powerless.

Stefan's POV:

I watched Elena struggle to resist me, but I was much too strong. I could mark the exact moment when she gave up, the exact moment when her dark eyes glazed over and lost all emotion.

When I spoke, I knew that my voice held the soothing, monotonous tone that I had used all too often lately and I spoke the words I wanted to control her through.

"You love me, Elena. You always have and you never stopped. There was no Damon for you, there never was. He is nothing to you. Nothing except my older brother. He is nothing to you. I am your everything."

Her eyelids flickered as I stopped talking and for a split second, I was slightly concerned that she would break away, but then she smiled faintly. "Stefan. I love you. I'm so glad you're back."

I grinned as I embraced her. Finally, she was mine again. And safe from Klaus, thanks to Bonnie's powers.

Damon's POV:

I hopped out of bed, leaving an all-too-naked Katherine lying among the dark silk sheets. Walking quickly to the bathroom and turning on the shower, I ignored Katherine trying to get me to come back to her. I wrenched the knob as far as it would go; the water hot enough that it would have burned a human. I figured rinsing off would stop my skin from crawling with the sins I had now.

I had never felt guilty about anything ever before, but this time was different. I was disgusted with myself that I had been fooled by Katherine again. Elena would never forgive me. Elena...where was she? All this time I thought that she was safe with me.

Turns out, that wasn't the case. I had to go back to Mystic Falls to find her. Feeling rage surge through me, I turned around and smashed my fists against the tile wall. Sighing, I rested my forehead against the coolness of the tile for a moment before getting out of the shower and throwing some black clothes on.

Time to kill a deceitful vampire.

I stalked back into the bedroom to find Katherine still lounging on my bed without any clothing on. I pounced on her, grabbing her by the throat. "Why did you let me believe all this time??" She smirked. "I figured if you really loved Elena, you would've known that I wasn't her."

I growled and tightened my hand around her neck. "Stop. Talking." She grinned, looking like the Cheshire Cat. "Kill me, Damon. I dare you. Look into my eyes that you had just been gazing in, thinking they were Elena's, and kill me. I hope the image of killing Elena's lookalike haunts your dreams."

I gritted my teeth, squeezing her throat, watching her struggle to move. "You are not Elena, Katherine." Her voice came out in choked sentences and her eyes widened, giving her a scared expression that looked a little too like Elena's. "Please, Damon. I love you. I chose you."

I turned my face away from hers. She knew. She knew that Elena had said those exact words once upon a time.

She knew my weakness.

I felt my resolve crumbling, she was winning and she could see it. She was using Elena against me. Katherine reached up with overly exaggerrated trembling fingers and touched my cheek. "I can be your Elena, Damon. I can be her to you, but better. You like danger and I can give you that; she can't."

I frowned. But she had also hurt me. I turned my head back to her and smiled softly. I leaned in, releasing the pressure on her throat slightly, and touched my lips to hers gently.

Whaatttt?? Wait....isn't Damon engaged to Elena? Why is he giving her up so easily?

Was he just playing Elena? Is he playing Katherine? Or is he truly just a heartless monster that hasn't but a care in the world?






Pshh no he's not heartless!! :D




Has he just never gotten over Katherine??





Keep reading to find out!! :)


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