Chapter 20

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I am so so so so sorry!! It's been so long since I've updated, but I've been super busy with homework and dance and trying to make time to work on this. So sorry!!

AND on TVD....Jeremy diedddd!! Whaat?? Do y'all think he's really dead?

"Everything will change tomorrow. It will be unicorns and rainbows."

“Do I look like I know anything about tattoos? Look at my skin. It’s flawless.”

His hands vanished and I fell. And fell. Refusing to scream, even as I hit the ice cold river water, I stayed silent for Stefan.


Elena should've known not to try and comfort me. I mean, she knows my deepest, most unseen feelings and I might be perfectly fine with killing pretty much anybody else, but not my own brother. As much as I hated to admit it, it ate at me from the inside out.

But I did it. I set him on fire and watched him burn.

For her.

After I had stormed off to my room, I was so concentrated on myself that I didn't bother to keep just a little of my hearing on Elena. Why should I? I had things that were more important that I needed to think over.

Like stealing my brother's girlfriend.

Like killing him in cold blood.

Like loving what was rightfully his.


Speaking of....I stood still for a second, listening for where she was and what she was doing, but there was nothing. Nothing but the sound of a heartbeat that wasn't hers.

And wasn't mine.

I strolled into the living room, giving off the air of carelessness and got another drink before turning to the hybrid seated on my couch. "Klaus. I don't believe I've invited you in."

He clicked his tongue in a disapproving manner. "You don't own the house, my friend. Elena and Jeremy do." I narrowed my eyes. "Elena would never let you in." He got up and hissed in my ear as he walked by. "Ah, no, but Jeremy would."

He went to help himself to my mini bar and then gazed at me, sipping from his glass calmly. "So, how are you, Damon?" I smirked, he wouldn't get any information from me. "Couldn't be better."

Klaus sighed and downed the rest of his drink. "I think I'll be going now. I have...things to attend to. Oh, and by the way, Damon? Tell Elena hello for me."

He disappeared and my newfound heartbeat began to race. Where was Elena? I flew to her room, but she wasn't there. Where could she be? Outside looking at the...damage? I ran outside, barging through the broken door to the pile of ashes on the front lawn. They were all spread apart as if the wind had stirred them, but I knew that the breeze couldn't place a message written in the middle.

The messily drawn out words read, "Better Hurry". I whipped around, looking for something; a hint, a sign that she was okay, anything. The breeze blew through my hair, coming from the direction of the canyon.

Following my instincts, I began to run against the wind, getting to the clearing facing off the canyon in record time. There was nothing there but trees...wait. There.

I knelt down, threading my fingers in the grass. Stefan's ring. How had it got there? I stood back up and looked over the edge down into the river. Unless Elena had found it back at the boardinghouse and then she was taken here by Klaus. But then where was she?

On impulse, I conjured up a ball of fire and threw it down into the black abyss. It fell until it hit the water, but somehow it stayed lit, brightening the water. I searched the water, mistaking every dark object for a body. Until I got to a broken tree hanging halfway across the river.

Caught on that was an all too familiar figure and I knew. I knew that it was her. Without a second thought, I leapt off of the edge.

I hit the water swimming, gliding through the dark water with ease until I got to the dead tree. Elena was caught in the fork of the tree, her lips blue. I snatched her up and swam to the little outcropping of rocks.

They formed a natural cave and I carried Elena inside just as the first strike of lightning flashed through the sky. I crouched down with her still in my arms and looked at her face hidden by shadows.

 Her lips were blue and blood had seeped out of her nose. Both arms were broken and her legs hung limp. Her head hung at an unnatural angle; her neck was broken. Finally, I looked into her wide eyes. They stared beyond me, seeing nothing. My heart felt like it was being ripped out of my chest.

She was dead.

My Elena was gone.

I passed my hand over her face, forcing her eyes to close against this world. Cradling her close, I strained to hear her heartbeat-a comforting sound that I had grown too used to-but, of course, all that met my ears was silence.

I wiped at the blood underneath her nose and breathed in the scent of it, but all I felt was a crushing grief. I buried my face in her neck, wanting to feel the reassuring warmth of her embrace, but this wasn't Elena  anymore. This was just an empty shell. I felt tears leak out of my eyes and spill down my cheeks and laughed with an empty feeling in my chest.

I hadn't cried since 1864.

Sorry guys, I know this ends on a heavy note.....and....well it's sad to write about Damon crying!!

But I will fix it and make it better don't worry!!

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