Chapter 23

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This is where it gets intense only you don't know it....I do!! :)

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"I am warning you, Stefan, don't oppose me. It doesn't matter what I came here for. What I want now is Elena. And if you try to stop me from taking her, I will kill you."

"It's the ultimate secret, Elena. You'll be happy as never before. And we'll be together, you and I. Just the two of us, for ever."

"I can waken things inside you that have been sleeping all your life. You're strong enough to live in the dark, to glory in it. You can become a queen of the shadows. Why not take that Power, Elena? Let me help you take it."

And bad things happen when I get bored.

We spent the day hunting animals and I began to teach her how to leave the bigger, more human-sized ones alive. Elena was good; her compassion for all that is living-and undead-aided her resolve to not kill.

She had gone down to the river to clean up after a particularly messy meal, not allowing me to go with her, and I tood in front of our cave, pacing back and forth. Finally, muttering nonsense to myself, I sprinted down to where Elena was, prepared to tell her that we were leaving right that second.

When I reached where she was standing in the water, I froze. She was completely undressed, her back facing me.

It was the first time that a girl actually took my breath away.

Shedding my clothes as I stalked up behind her, I grabbed around her waist, pulling her close to me. "We have to go back, Elena." She turned to face me and grinned and I groaned. "In a bit."

Stefan's POV:

After I had gotten tired of the blonde girl, the sun had risen and shined light on just who I had fooled around with.


I frowned. Well, this was an unfortunate turn of events. I couldn't compel her to forget what had happened, but maybe she hadn't recognized me.

I spent the entire day, hoping that she wouldn't spill on where she had disappeared to last night or more particularly, who she had met up with, and now it was nightfall again.

I had to find Klaus. That in itself was simple, the hard part would be explaining where Elena had went.

I returned to the clearing above the canyon and sure enough, there was Klaus lounging in the grass. "Stefan. Glad you could finally join me." I stood directly in front of him. "I have information that you might be interested in knowing about Damon." Klaus raised an eyebrow. "You would throw your own brother into the fire?" Then he smirked. "Do share."

I explained to him what I had seen as Elena fell off the cliff, leaving out the part that I was the one who pushed her, and and Klaus stood up. "Wait, you're saying she's dead?" I shook my head. "Not technically. She must've had vampire blood in her. She and Damon are roughing it at the bottom of the canyon in a little cave. I think they are returning to the boardinghouse in the morning though."

Klaus sighed. "Well, now I can't use her blood to make my hybrids, so I will have to use mine. Unless....maybe I could try out a couple more like Damon." I shrugged. "Go for it. Who's blood did you give Damon?" He smiled. "The blood of the person that I will need you to go get for me. Her name is Abby. Perhaps you may know her better as Bonnie's mother."

I felt my eyebrows lift in surprise as Klaus continued on. "Also, the summer solstice is coming up, so I will need a floreus, vampire, and werewolf. I want to become the ultimate hybrid." I frowned and Klaus shook his head. "Don't worry, my friend. I won't uuse your brother or your lovely Elena. I have others in mind."

Damon's POV:

I put my head down, allowing the water to beat down on my neck and shoulders for a moment before pushing my hair back. A shower was so much better than rinsing off in a river. Stopping the water flow with a flick of my wrist, I dressed quickly in my usual. Black t-shirt, dark jeans, and yes, of course, a leather jacket.

As I walked down the hallway, I called for Elena to meet me in the parlor.

Elena's POV:

Damon wanted me to meet him in the parlor? I had never been in there and as far as I knew, that room was used for serious matters. He must want to talk about Stefan. I put on a pair of dark jeans and a purple blouse and then walked downstairs, taking my time to appreciate Damon who stood, facing away from me, looking at a picture of a couple who had to be his parents.

"Damon?" He turned around slowly and sank to one knee in front of me. "Elena. I love you. Marry me."

Woowwwww Damon Salvatore settling down with just one girl????

I gave y'all three quotes because I had the two and then I found the last one and loveeddddd it!!

So let me know what you think!!

I have big plans for this!!


Hearts!! <3

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