Chapter 4-READ **CHAPTER 3** FIRST

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Chapter 3 disappeared somehow, so it's the one that's starred a little farther down.

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"Well, don't let me stop you." Damon's cold tone matching his flat eyes. "Please, continue." He walked farther inside the house to get a drink and Stefan smiled at me as he started to lean in again. I glared at him, shook my head, and then disentangled myself from his arms. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Stefan immediately followed and after a second, so did Damon. Stefan sat on the couch and wrapped his arm around me. Damon sat in a chair across from us and met my eyes, a dull mask of nothing deliberately placed on his face, but I could see straight through it. I could see the hurt and jealousy that he felt from walking in on Stefan and I like that. I gave him the faintest of grins and tried to project my thoughts into his head. "It's okay, Damon, it's all an act now. I love you." He blinked and nodded slightly. He had heard me! Damon then looked at Stefan. "So, little brother, I suppose Elena's already told you about our plans for tonight. Or were you just too busy to talk?" Stefan's jaw muscles tightened and I quickly leaned forward. "No, Damon, I didn't tell him because I was waiting for you so that you could explain it all." Damon glanced at me again and his gaze softened. It was then that I heard his voice, as clear as if he were whispering directly into my ear. "I love you too, Elena. With all my heart." My heartbeat stuttered and then quickened. To hide any reaction that would reveal our silent conversation, I smiled at Damon encouragingly. "So, tell us all the details of this plan of yours, Damon." Damon briefly told us about his plan. "So, basically Elena and I will go watch Tyler change and Stefan, you'll meet Alaric at the Grill and update him on what we are doing." I knew that Damon was trying to get rid of Stefan so that we could be alone and it was making Stefan suspicious. His hazel eyes hardened. "Fine, have it your way, Damon." He turned to me. "I'll see you later tonight, love." He stood up and leaned over to give me a kiss goodbye, lingering long enough that I could feel Damon bristling in his chair. I pulled away and smiled softly. "See you later." Stefan smiled at me and then gave Damon a warning look before he walked out the door. Damon and I stared at each other, unmoving, not breathing, until we heard an engine revv and the car speed away. We sat there for another second and I let the breath that I had been holding out. My body thawed out and I could see Damon, a dark angel lounging in his chair, also unthaw. In less than a second, I stood up and he rushed at me. We collided, bodies touching from head to toe. He kissed me hungrily and a flame deep within my soul flared. I kissed him back and then we were falling to the floor. Damon was on top of me and my fingers were on the hem of my shirt before I was fully aware of what was happening. My fingers stilled and I opened my eyes, breathless, only to find out that Damon's shirt was already off. I ran my palms down his chest and rock-hard abs, but then shook my head to clear it. "Damon..." He didn't stop kissing my neck, so I spoke straight to his mind. "Damon, we can't. Not here, not now." He paid no attention to me, instead he just clenched my arms harder. I tried again. "Damon, you're hurting me!" He immediately froze and pulled away, his eyes never leaving my face. His emotions were raw and uncontrolled, and his hair was disheveled, which was rare for him. "Elena...I am so sorry." He wrenched himself into an upright position, taking care not to touch me. "I don't deserve you, Elena. I really don't." I crawled over to him and touched his arm. "Shh, Damon. It's okay." All of a sudden, he seemed to realize who he was. He was Damon Salvatore. Indestructible, dangerous, cold. He righted himself and I stood along with him. "Damon..." He wouldn't look at me. "Elena, get dressed in something comfortable. And dark." I sighed. "Fine." I walked out of the room, wondering if he'd be there when I came back and then flushed. Where was I going? My clothes were in the closet in the room that I usually stayed in if I spent the night at the boarding house.  I turned on my  heel and went back through the door. Damon was now sitting on the couch still as a statue. He smiled, but it wasn't a genuine smile. "Figured out where your clothes were, huh?" I lifted my chin. "Maybe." Damon rose. "I'll wait right outside the window of your room. Which is the opposite way from which you came." I nodded, blushing and went into my closet where I picked out a pair of dark jeans and a black V-neck t-shirt.

Allowing myself a moment of vanity, I faced my mirror. I really was pretty beautiful. I brushed my hair until it shone, a dark halo around my porcelain skin. I put a touch of lip gloss on as I walked towards the window and crawled onto the sill. I drew in a breath. "Damon." And jumped. My heart sank down into my stomach, but I knew that he would catch me. All at once, I landed in a pair of strong arms and looked up. His eyes sparkled, lit by the full moon as he gave me a disapproving look. "You know, it's usually not a good idea to jump out of windows." I grinned, slightly embarrassed. "I didn't want to run into Aunt Jenna and besides, I knew that you would be here to catch me." He sighed. "Fine, you win. And I will always be here for you, Elena." He leaned his head over me to kiss my forehead softly, blocking out the moon and sinking his face into the shadows. "I'm sorry about earlier, by the way." I touched his cheek. "There's nothing to be sorry for." Damon straightened up, set me down, and took my hand.

We walked to the underground dungeon and descended down the stairs. I let go of Damon's hand because Caroline and Tyler were already there. Tyler was sweating and panting and he had many chains wrapped around his body. Caroline glanced our way and waved us over. She pointed to a ltitle cell. "We need to go in there now." Damon and I walked in as Caroline leaned down to place a kiss on Tyler's head. She joined us in the cell and locked the door. "Stay to the very back. He can't reach us there." Damon made me stand the farthest to the back, putting his body between me and Tyler. We sat there, eyes trained Tyler when he started screaming.

It went on for what seemed like forever, but finally there was a muffled ripping sound and in Tyler's place stood a large wolf. It snarled and uneasily, I walked closer so that I could draw Caroline away from the bars of the cell. All at once, the wolf lunged forward, breaking the chains that held it in place. A shrill scream was ripped from my lips and Damon appeared in front of me to shove Caroline and I back towards the wall. I saw him wince, but didn't have time to process it. Caroline seemed unerringly calm, as if this kind of thing happened every time. "We just have to wait. It won't be too long, it's never more than a couple hours."

Damon seemed paler than usual and I opened my mouth to ask him if he was all right when the bars of the cell shook again. Reflexively, I cringed into Damon's chest and his arms automatically wrapped around me. I was concerned that Caroline would see us and become suspicious, but she was totally focused on Tyler. A couple hours passed as the wolf constantly tried to get at us through the bars until it finally howled and fell to its side.

The wolf became Tyler again  and I immediately looked away. His clothes had been destroyed during his transformation and I didn't need to look at him when I could just look at the amazing vampire next to me. Caroline rushed to unlock the door and ran over to Tyler to cover him up. After a second, I joined Caroline and touched Tyler's forehead. My throat swelled with pity and I stood there, silent, next to Caroline who had as much of Tyler as she could in her lap. Damon hovered protectively behind me for a couple minutes and then moved. "We should get him somewhere a little more warm and comfortable so that he can rest." Caroline nodded. "We can take him to my house. He can sleep on the couch." Damon lifted Tyler as if he were light as air, but I could see and odd weariness on his face.

We dropped Tyler and Caroline off at Caroline's house and stopped in the woods for a moment. I wrapped my arms around Damon for a hug and felt him try to hold back a shudder of pain. I instantly froze and pulled back to look him in the eye. "Damon?" His eyes were distant and flat. "It's...fine, Elena." I refused to accept his answer. "Take off your jacket. Now." He hesitated, but obeyed. I grabbed it and noticed a rip in the arm. My heart started pumping faster, panic setting in. I tore off his t-shirt and grabbed his hand so that I could wrench it around to see his back. Just below his shoulder, on his right arm, there was a bloody, infected-looking wound. I gasped, my breath hitching in my throat. "Damon!" His shoulders sagged. "Werewolf bite. Elena, let's go home. Please."

Uh oh! What do you think's going to happend?

Will Damon die?

Will somebody unexpected save him?

Keep reading please! :)

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