Chapter 24

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Damon: "You should have called Stefan."

Elena: "I don't trust him right now."

Damon: "P.S. I called Stefan."

Damon: "Since when do we team up with Klaus and the Lollipop Guild?"

"Elena. I love you. Marry me."

I gasped and held out my hand for the diamond ring he presented. "Of course, Damon. I love you too." He stood up and hugged me close and for just a second, I was almost scared of his emotions that I knew were there but he never showed. I was so used to the cool, cocky Damon Salvatore that I didn't know how to be completely comfortable around the one that actually had feelings.

Later, we went up to get ready for bed, I caught sight of a note lying on my pillow addressed to me in old-fashioned, elegant writing. "Elena, love, I know what he is and I want to have that power. The summer solstice is but a week away." ~Klaus

I looked to Damon with what I knew was a scared expression and he lifted my chin, using his thumb to play with my lower lip. "He won't take me and he won't take you, don't worry, angel. He will probably need a vampire, a werewolf, and a floreus, but he won't use us because of Stefan."

I stared into his piercing blue eyes. "Who will he use then, Damon?" Damon shrugged. "I don't know, but I guess we better show up to it to make sure that he won't use Stefan."


Elena's POV:

The last week had flown by. Damon and I had done nothing besides go to public places so that I could get used to resisting the urge to kill everyone in my path. I still refused to see Bonnie or Jeremy. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hurt either of them.

Damon had gone out to get a couple things that we might need for later. Little things just in case Klause decided we were in the way.

So, I was left to my own devices. All alone in this big house. What to do...I guess I would plan my outfit.

I was in my closet in a flash, rummaging through all my clothes at top speed. Long sleeve black shirt. black jeans, tall black stiletto boots, and yes, a black leather jacket. Damon had gotten it for me, go figure. I had just folded the clothes I had recently been wearing into a neat stack on the edge of the bed after changing into tonight's outfit when I sensed someone in the doorway. I smiled, knowing it was Damon. "Want me to show you my outfit for tonight?" Damon came up behind me and I stood still, waiting for his lips to press against my neck.

But they never came, instead I heard a low voice.

"Save it, princess."

And a large hand clamped over my mouth and eyes, plunging me into darkness.

Damon's POV:

Elena wasn't there when I got home. Of course she wasn't because things could never be that easy. I couldn't come back and she would be sitting there, waiting for me. No. That just wasn't how it worked. I ran up to her room and to my dismay,there was a tidy pile of clothes on the edge of the bed; what she had been in when I left. She must've changed for tonight.

I sighed. I just had to trust that she was already staking out the ritual because if I didn't go now, I would be too late and Elena would be angry that I had missed it.

When I got to the spot where I knew Klaus would be doing the ritual, I looked around. There were three rings of fire circling three separate people. Werewolf-check. Tyle'rs cousin. Floreus-check. Bonnie's mother. Vampire-check. Elena. Elena!

I involuntarily exposed myself as I took a step forward, but then thought better of it and stepped back, concealing myslef again, cursing quietly. It was enough, though, for her to see me and I could see her expression change to one of surprise that quickly morphed into scared. Why would she be surprised that I was here?

I shook it off as I heard Klaus begin to speak. "Now, I'm sorry to say that you will all die, well, except you, Abby. I need you for later. But I thank you all for your services." I sighed and showed myself. "Klaus, give me Elena back. I have a girl that I just changed that you can have, she's just beyond the trees. No tricks, I just want Elena back."

Klaus frowned, as if I had confused him for a minute, but then he smiled. "Of course, Damon." The ring around Elena disappeared and she ran into my arms. "Thank you, Damon." Her voice sounded just a little off. Almost more....dangerous. I brushed it off, knowing that it was justt because she had been captured by Klaus for the second time in a week; she was probably irritated.

I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her away with me, not bothering to look back at Klaus, but instead watching Elena waggle her fingers at Klaus, mocking him. Weird. But anyways, I would deal with him later.

Leading Elena back to my car, I didn't even bother to go back to the boardinghouse. "Damon, where are we going?" I navigated all the twists and turns to the airport with ease. "We're going to take a little vacation." Elena grinned at me. "Okay, I'm up for that."

Elena refused to talk about how Klaus had taken her, so eventually I stopped asking and she just sat huddled up, leaning against the window, looking at all that passed by. Finally, we reached the airport and I stormed in, Elena in tow, right up to the desk, passing a long line of now-irritated passengers. I looked straight into the woman's eyes, hypnotizing her, compelling her to give us airline tickets. I smirked at Elena who, to my surprise, smirked back-unusual for her. First-class to Italy.

By the next day, we were happily situated in a mansion. I had laughed to myself when Elena had asked if we were going to get a hotel room. As if I would stay in a hotel in my original birthplace. I pulled elena up the stairs, showing her the bathroom, kitchen, living room, and parlor as we went, and then finally the bedroom. There were clothes for both her and I in the closet, luckly, because it had been a spur of the moment vacation.

She grabbed her bikini and I grabbed my swim trunks, so that we could go to the beach and just relax. I smiled lightly at the sight of Elena in a swimsuit. It would be so nice to do whatever we wanted for a while, spending our time leisurely. I mean, yeah, I loved dangerous situations, but ever since Elena came about, I've liked it just a little bit less. Given the choice, I would choose to lay on the beach with her versus go kill Klaus. He could wait.

I was on vacation.

We had been in Italy for just under a week; five days of doing nothing. It was early in the morning, somehow I knew that, but I was still sleeping. Awake but asleep. Elena stirred next to me and when I opened my eyes, her lips were hovered over mine. I grinned and lifted my hand to touch her cheek. It was cool, just like mine, and my eyes traveled down her neck. I stopped, confused and actually awake, my mind flashing through the last five days I had spent with Elena.

I frowned, tracing my fingers around her neckline. Where was her necklace? She hadn't been wearing it all week and Elena always wore her necklace. I looked up into her dark eyes, seeing something flickering there. Not love, not respect, not passion, but mischief.

Slowly, I removed my hand and pushed her off of me, sitting up. "Katherine?"



Hearts <3

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